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been much indulged, had not acquired a sufficient knowledge of domestic concerns; and her friends, by continuing their particular attention to her, gave him uneasiness, which, operating on a disposition that was not willing to have her more respected than himself, first manifested itself by reproaches, which were followed by harsh treatment.  The continuance thereof affecting her susceptible mind and delicate constitution, she soon went into a decline, and died in 1780, about the twenty-sixth year of her age, much lamented by those who knew her worth.  She had one child, which died very young; and her husband survived her only three years.


Or, Religion Exemplified in the Life and Death of a Pious Indian Woman. 

The Subject of the following narrative lived and died in a town in the eastern part of Connecticut.  We are well acquainted with the writer, and we can assure our readers that the account here given is true.-Editor of the "Religious Intelligencer."

It was a comfortless morning in the month of March, 1814, when I first formed an acquaintance with the subject of the following sketch.
2. She called to solicit a few crusts, meekly saying she "deserved nothing but the crumbs-they were enough for her poor old body, just ready to crumble into dust."  I had heard of Sarah, a pious Indian woman, and I was therefore prepared to receive her with kindness.  And remembering the words of my Lord, who said, "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me," I was ready to impart a portion of my little unto her; (for little, alas! was my store.)
3. "And how," I asked her, "have you got along, this long, cold winter, Sarah?"  "O misse!" she replied, "God better to Sarah than she fear.  When winter come on, Sarah was in great doubt.  No husband, no child here but-----; she wicked, gone a great deal.  What if great

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