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LATE in the last autumn, it was my privilege, (says the author,) to spend a few hours in the hospitable mansion of the Rev. S. B. W., of F.  I arrived at his house very early in the morning—just before the family assembled to perform their customary devotions.  On the signal being given, the children and domestics came into the room where we were sitting. 

2. Among the latter, there was a very aged black man, whom every one called Uncle Harry.  As soon as he entered, I observed that Mr. W. and his lady treated him with marked attention and kindness.  The morning was sharp and frosty, and Uncle Harry had a chair in the corner, close to the fire.

3. The portion of Scripture selected for the service was the second chapter of Luke.  I observed that the attention of Harry was deeply fixed; and he soon began to manifest strong emotions.  The old man's eye kindled as the reader went on, and when he came to the tenth verse, Harry appeared as though his heart was tuned to the angelic song, and he could hardly help uttering a shout of triumph.


4. There was not, however, the smallest ostentation of feeling, or endeavor to attract attention.  He only, in a gentle manner, turned his face upward, strongly clasping his hands as they lay on his lap, and expressing by his countenance the joy of his heart.  By this time, he had interested me so highly that I could not keep my eyes from him.

5. I watched the varying expressions of his countenance, and saw that every word seemed to strike on his heart, and produce a corresponding emotion.  I thought I would give the world, if I could read the Bible, just as Harry heard it.  While I was thinking, and looking on with intense interest, the reader came to the passage where old Simeon saw the infant Saviour, took him in his arms, blessed God, and said, "Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, for mine eyes have seen thy salvation."

6. Harry's emotion had become stronger and stronger, until the words just quoted were read, when he was completely overpowered. Suddenly turning on his seat, to hide as much as possible his feelings, he bent forward and burst into a flood of tears; but they were tears of joy.  He anticipated his speedy peaceful departure, and his final rest.  This state of feeling continued during the remainder of the service, and when we rose from our knees, Uncle Harry's face seemed literally to have been bathed in tears.

7. As soon as we had risen, the old man came

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