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for his apprehension. I knew at once it was James, for I had observed a remarkable scar on his chin, which was mentioned in the description of him. Hard as my heart then was, and callous to every feeling of humanity, I could not help shuddering at the thought of betraying my kind friend: but the prospect of gain soon made my decision. I wrote to his master, and received his answer. All things were prepared, and I was to have fifty dollars more than the sum mentioned in the advertisement.

8. "'I went alone to his quiet retreat, (it was in winter, and the weather had been piercingly cold, and the river Delaware was closed,) and arrived at early twilight. How bitter have my thoughts been since, when I have recollected the honest satisfaction that gleamed in his sable features when I approached. During the evening, I proposed to him a removal into Pennsylvania: I told him I had a few acres of land, suitable for a garden, and a comfortable dwelling-house in the neighborhood of the city, and that, recollecting his former kindness to me, I had come to persuade him to Occupy the one, and improve the other, for which I could afford to give him high wages.

9. "'The poor man agreed to accompany me next day, to look at the premises; and if they pleased him, to take possession of them on the first of April Early in the morning, I was awaked by preparations for breakfast; and they were delighted with my taking so much notice of them as I did, and with my gratitude for the services they had rendered me; the whole family were cheerful. 

10. "'We parted with light hearts, and James and I reached the river in due time, and began to cross it on the ice. Hitherto, we had walked side by side, but now he fell a little behind me; and we had proceeded but a little way, when I perceived the ice to give way, and I immediately went down as far as my arms, which I stretched out, and so supported myself for some minutes, until James threw me the end of his greatcoat, to which I held, and he pulled me out and taking me on his shoulder, carried me very much exhausted to the shore.'
11. "Here the sick man closed his eyes, and lay for a short time; when, reviving, he resumed the affecting narrative: On coming to myself again, I found what my intended innocent victim had been prompted to do by feelings of humanity and gratitude-he had rescued me from inevitable destruction. Shall I tell you what followed ?" 'O, my husband! exclaimed the wife, you could not have persevered in your wicked purpose-you never could have sent the man into slavery who had preserved your life!
12. "'Yes, I could, I did! replied the husband, -cold-blooded villain that I was: the very day which witnessed my dagger and my delivery, saw me assist in binding, chaining hand and foot,

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