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"He is a freeman whom the truth makes free,
And all are slaves beside."

YE may place the trusty guard,
Bolt the dark and narrow room,
Bind the heavy fetter hard,
Till the links the flesh consume;
Never, never, thus confined,
Will enslaved the prisoner be—
There's no fetter on his mind;
And the spirit will be free,—
If stern memory's thrilling tone 
Wake no terrors in his heart;
In the vision'd future, shown,
If he act the lofty part.

Ye may bar him from the air,
And the light of heaven forbid,—
There's a region fresh and fair,
And its smile can ne'er be hid
From the meek and trusting eyes,
Looking upward steadily;
And his thoughts will thus arise,
Till he triumphs with the free,—
If his soul have never bow'd
When a golden Image shone—
If among the servile crowd,
He would follow Truth alone;

Ye may deck the lofty hall
With the wealth of earth and sea,
And, in splendour over all
Wave the banners of the free—


Ye may crown the conqueror there,
With the laurels of the brave;
'Mid the honours ye prepare,
He shall feel himself a slave,—
If ambition rule his thought,
And the highest place he ask,
All the labours he was wrought
Are but scourges to his task. 

Ye may twine the living flowers
Where the living fountains glide,
And beneath the rosy bowers
Let the selfish man abide,
And the birds upon the wing,
And the barks upon the wave,
Shall no sense of freedom bring;
All is slavery to the slave!
Mammon's close-link'd bonds have bound him,
Self-imposed, and seldom burst;
Though heaven's waters gush around him,
He would pine with earth's poor thirst.


ONE came with light and laughing air,
And cheek like opening blossom,
Bright gems were twined amid her hair,
And glitter'd on her bosom,
And pearls and costly diamonds deck
Her round white arms and lovely neck.

Like summer's sky, with starts bedight,
The jewell'd robe around her,
And dazzling as the noon-tide light
The radiant zone that bound her,—
And pride and joy were in her eye,
And mortals bow'd as she pass'd by.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-28 13:32:19 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-28 15:11:34 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-28 17:46:56