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Feb. 24, 1894.

Hon. C. D. Long,
Lansing, Mich.

My dear Judge:

Your letter of 23rd inst. came this morning. Since its arrival I have had a long conversation with Mr. Beals and have looked into the financial matters of the Beals Sub Type Poser. As named to you yesterday, immediately prior to his departure Mr. Hecker authorized me to spend up to $1600.00 of his funds for finishing the sub type poser. Of this sum, $955.00 was used during January, leaving a balance of $645.00 for February. I have requested Mr. Beals to have a careful estimate made to-day and if possible prevent this month’s bill exceeding the balance in my hands.

Now as to the future. Mr. Beals says that in his opinion $1,000.00 more will be required. How to obtain this money is puzzling. After the care exercised by Mr. Hecker in securing an approximate idea of the amount necessary to complete the machine and providing for same, and after his conversation with me on the subject, I cannot consistently invest in the enterprise any more of Mr. Hecker’s funds. Mr. Beals is to see me again on Monday, until which time the matter will stand in abeyance.

As requested by you, I will go to the factory and look into matters there and see what shape they are in. Inclosed herein please find the letter from D. Young & Co. of London, about which we talked yesterday. Will you kindly read and return the same, together with your suggestions as to what reply I had better make. 

Yours very truly,
C. L. Freer

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