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Aug. 1, 1894.

- Personal -

My dear Wilson:

I have your letter of July 30th, and extend many thanks for your kindly interest in our behalf with Mr. Odell. If he will give us the chance to take his business at competing prices, I believe we can secure his order. I have no doubt that with your assistance everything can be arranged to his entire satisfaction. 

Of course if the Fox track is used under the coal cars, it will be greatly to Brady’s interest to have the cars built in Detroit, rather than Pennsylvania.

Mr. Choates’s death was caused by inflammation of the brain followed by paralysis. He only lasted about two weeks during the most of which time he was unconscious.

Mr. Potter of Fort Wayne invited us to bid on the 3 to 500 box cars which his company completed building and our draftsman is now at Fort Wayne gathering particulars. Potter has always been very courteous to us and I feel confident that he will do everything he can properly, to help us in getting the contract. The New York, Susquehanna & Western people put their final proposition to me in such shape that I had but one thing to do, decline their offer which I did. When next we meet I will give you full particulars and answers with the facts before you you would have done the same had you been in my place. With kind regards I remain,

Yours very truly,
CL Freer

Mr. Wm. M. Wilson,
Western Union Building,
Chicago, Ill.

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