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Oct. 23/95.

Mr. C.A. Clark, 
Ass’t Treas’r, Northern Pac. R.R. Co.,
St. Paul, Minn.

My dear Sir:

Your personal letter of 21st inst. addressed to Mr. Hecker is received and in his absence opened by the writer. 

The annual meeting held in Chicago and as heretofore passed very quietly, few stockholders being in attendance. The old Board of Directors were re-elected, who in turn will re-elect the old officers. There is a largely increasing demand for cars and we have recently secured considerable orders. The outlook for business is excellent, and we believe the next year will be very active with us. While in New York last week I had the pleasure our stock advance from 51 to 57½, and those competent to judge feel that it will soon be higher. I write you this in strictest confidence and for your personal information only.

Col. Hecker left for India about two weeks ago and expects to spend the winter in the orient.

With personal regards,

Yours very truly,
Charles L Freer 

Since dictating the above word comes from N.Y. that 59 ½ is asked - I look for it go higher - 

Transcription Notes:
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