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Nov. 16/95.

Dear Mr. Hecker:

We were all glad to receive your cable advising us of your safe arrival at Colombo. I would have cabled earlier, but we have been carrying on negotiations with Mr. Joseph Wood practically all this week for the purchase of 500 cars, and I was in hopes that I could cable you that orders had been received for 1400 cars instead of 900 as named in my cable of to-day. The 900 are as follows: 300 box cars for the Consolidated Rolling Stock Co., Mr. Seeley of Bridgeport, 200 box cars for the “Nickel Plate”; 200 gondola cars for the “Nickel Plate”; and 200 T. & O.O. coal cars, of which I have previously written you. 

The 500 cars which we had under negotiation with Mr. Wood was for some company in which the Penna. Co. is interested but exactly what company Mr. Wood has not stated. The end of our negotiations was reached this morning as per the following telegram:

Pittsburgh, Nov. 16/95.

Michigan-Peninsular Car Co.

The party for whom we were negotiating for the 500 box cars has arranged to purchase them from another railroad. Sorry therefore that we will not be able to give you the order, which we would have done had this arrangement not been made.

(Signed) Joseph Wood.

From this you will see that price, etc., was all satisfactory, but they arranged with some other R.R. Co. for the cars. I presume particulars will come later.

Competition on the “Nickel Plate” proved very fierce, also on the Seeley cars, so that we are right down to margins such as have been ruling during the last twelve months. The Michigan Central Matter is still awaiting decision in New York, and of late we have had very few inquiries.

There is little of local interest to mention aside from what I presume

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