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March 4/96.

Mr. W. M. Wilson, (Personal)
909 Havemeyer Building, 
New York.

My dear Wilson:

I have your personal letter of the 2nd inst. and in reply would say that I now expect to be in New York the 11th inst. and on the 13th inst. will be pleased to hand you the 33 1/3rd of the subscription of Col. Hecker and myself to the new company. I make it the 13th inst. instead of the 10th because of considerable money due us on the 12th inst. I presume a day or two will make no difference to you, but if you have engagements to meet on the 10th, of course I can arrange to send the money earlier.

I have not yet seen the party regarding the $25,000.00 spoken of but hope to do so to-morrow, after which I will write you more definitely.

Yours very truly,
Charles L Freer

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-12 10:14:40