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June 9/96.

My dear Mansfield:

A rush of various things including the homecoming of Col. Hecker, together with other pressing office [[?]] prevented earlier reply to your letter. 

I have put the three Tonyos together[[?]] Col. Hecker having seen them asked me to let him have a [[?]] of the privilege of purchasing. This I agreed to and the Kakemonos are [[?]] in his possession, but whether or not he will want to keep them I do not know. However, if he does not want them, I will be very happy to retain them myself, so I inclose herewith [[?]] on New York, payable to your order, for $209.20, covering the two Tonyos and the six Whistler lithographs. The Naonobu you sent [[?]] a note but the third one of the set, which I thought Col. Hecker possessed, we cannot as yet find. Mr. Hecker is [[?]] not he ever owned it. I feel confident that [[?]] either he or Mrs. Hecker gave it away, it must still be in their house. At present Mr. and Mrs. Hecker are in New York, but after their return further investigation will be made, and as soon as the exact facts are known, I will write you more definitely concerning the matter.

I was extremely sorry to miss being with you that Sunday evening, but was compelled to leave at 4:50 in order to be here the next day and attend to matters which could not be delegated. I was to have an hour with Rice before his trip.

With kindest regards to both yourself and Mrs. Mansfield, remain,

Yours very sincerely,
Charles L. Freer

Mr. Howard Mansfield, 
Mills Building, New York.

Transcription Notes:
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