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Dec. 27, 1893.
Mr. W.H. Truesdale, 
Receiver, M. & St. L.R’y Co.,
Minneapolis, Minn.

My dear Sir:

As wired you yesterday, the man whom I had hoped to send you to look after your car repairs at Minneapolis had the matter under consideration two or three days and finally backed out. He owns his own home here and felt Minneapolis was too far west. 

To-day I am sending you Mr. Wm. Milligan, another of our employees whom I know to be a thoroughly first-class man. It may be the salary you are accustomed to pay for this work is less than Mr. Milligan would care to accept, or it may be when you see Mr. Milligan he will not be the sort of man you are looking for. Don’t take him unless the matter can be arranged to your complete satisfaction, as we are entirely satisfied with his work and his old position with us will always be open to him. 

Should you not engage him, will you kindly “check his hat” from Minneapolis to Chicago, a courtesy I am sure he will appreciate as you know I will.

With personal regards,

Yours very truly,
C.L. Freer 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-07 13:42:19