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Sept. 28/96.

Mr. W.M. Wilson,  (Personal)
909 Havemeyer Building,
New York.

Dear Mr. Wilson:

I have your personal favor of 25th inst. and note same carefully. The decision concerning brake beams made by Mr. Buchanan’s people is all right. We have of course no objection to paying the figure asked. The road however is long and doubtless before many months go by we will have the opportunity to reciprocate this display of cordiality and fairness. 

Concerning Graham draft rigging, Mr. Silverthorne raised the question with Mr. Paterson and he promptly telephoned from Chicago a reduction of $1.00 per car, and came here the next day and confirmed same. Mr. Begg issued the order, and I can only say for your personal information that after the order was sent Mr. Paterson’s usual refined business sagacity led him to play the cow act, kicked the pail over, not in price but in spirit, and the spirit in this transaction is quite as much to us as money. There is, [illegible] as you fully know, a streak in Paterson’s composition which prevents his being wholly a man. I am writing you this in confidence, but it is just as well to know whose hand to grasp in the future.

I am glad to say the only exceptions in the list are the two above referred to. All of the others, including the Q & C. Co., McGuire M’f’g Co., and in fact every one to whom I have even suggested a price commensurate with the times and conditions, have most gladly and generously met the situation.-- Business in the west remains stagnant. 

With kind regards, I remain,

Yours very truly,
Charles L. Freer 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-13 08:59:31