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also of Refugee of Louisiana, who are selling their crops and are returning to La without paying the freedmen for their labor, I have sent a man there with instructions, a copy of which you will please find enclosed. I sent a guard of two men with Mr. Imboden to assist him If I can get off next Monday I shall go to the above named counties and investigate the matter formally

Hoping that my actions will meet your approval

I have the honor to be
Very respectfully
Your obt. servt.
J. C. Delmers
Bvt Lt. Col.

P. S. Please find enclosed two contracts. I think it would be well to encourage the renting of Land by Planters to freedmen, it will have a tendency of making the freedmen feel independent and it will also be encouragement to the ballance to work for home & independence, and it will place them on the proper standard.