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pupils, both old and young, exhibit; while the effect which the school has upon the home in inculcating order, cleanliness, higher hopes and aims is everywhere apparent. 

The Church of the Colored people are generally used as school-houses.

While the old proslavery malice is by no means appeased by this display of capacity for improvement in those who once were chattels, yet no instance of abuse or outrage towards our Teachers has occurred, as the Military arm of the Government is their shield.

It is a gratifying sign of progress that we are receiving not unfrequent applications for Teachers from the Planters themselves, who are learning that whatever contents and dignifies their labor, is a reciprocal benefit to themselves.

Arrangements have been completed by which, during the coming Spring months, the number of Teachers and Schools will be rapidly and largely increased.

I append the regulations for these schools, with the monthly blanks for 

Transcription Notes:
random commas throughout. the word "unfrequent" should be "infrequent", but transcribed as written.