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| July 4. | Abert. Capt. 6th U.S. Cav. Brvt Lt. Col. See E.B. page. 86. | 17. Sherman. Grayson Co. Texas June 9th 1866. Calls attention to the necessity of having an Officer of Freedman's Bureau in that part of the County. The whites are almost in open rebellion The Negroes have no Security for life nor property, He has no instructions what line of conduct to pursue but will act as circumstances may require, The few Union men are so persecuted and disheartened that they are unable to assist him. |

| July 12 | Alston D. D. See E.B. page 881 | 18. Huntsville Texas July 9th 1866,
States he contracted Freedmen to work during 1866 for part of the Crops, children to do such work as they could, The children now do not work, and their parents refuse to compel them. asks instructions.

Asks has he the right to discharge those who getting of the crop and refuse to work by paying up to time of leaving.

Asks if he has the right to keep strange and vicious Negroes of his place at night and if so how - |

| July 16 | Allen Capt. H. W. See E.B. page 90 | 19 Hempstead Texas July 14th 1866.
Asks that retained copies of Contracts approved at Hempstead be sent to him. In some instances 1st and 2nd parties have lost their copies, in others, they never were furnished. |

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|  July 19. | Allen A. H. See E.B. page 98. | 20. Cameron. Milam Co. Texas June 30th 1866.
States case of Cass (f.m.) who on Jan'y 15 came to him sick who was cured and contracted to work for him. &c. but has since left him. being carted off by a neighbor named Richard Munroe. |

| July 20. | Allen Capt. H. W. See E.B. pages 102, and 110 | 21. Brenham Texas. July 20th 1866. 
Asks information in case of a Freedman who Sells Cakes on arrival of Trains at Depot and who has been notified to take out a license as a 4th Class Peddler and pay therefor $10 per annum. The Assessor also wishes this information. |

| July 26. | Affleck, Thomas. See E. B. page 1121. | 22. Brenham Texas July 23rd 1866,
Reports condition of his employees and makes Suggestions. (one Inclosure) contract |

| August 1. | Allen H W. Capt. and S. A. Com'r Refered to Mr. Wheelock for his information. | 23. Hempstead Texas July 31st 1866.
Reports that Miss Fanny Renshaw opened a School in Hempstead and is meeting with Success, also that Mr. A. Tenny opened a School on a plantation 5 miles from that place and is meeting with like Success, and that probably two others will be commenced Soon. | 

| Aug. 16. | Allen, H. W. Capt and S. A. Comr See E. B. page | 24. Hempstead Texas ay 14th 1866.
States that a petition is about to be presented to Maj. Genl Wright in favor of B. B. Lee, Sentenced by Mil. Courts He does not wish the Maj Genl Comdg to remain ignorant as to how the names to the petition were obtained &c. &c. |

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-01 20:45:39