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| Mar. 28 | Johnson. H. S. * Filed. | 63. Sumpter. Tex., Mar. 17, 1867.)  States that S. A. Wilson, Dist. Judge, has adjourned his court thinking it illegal after the passage of the Military bill. Wishes an order signed to the contrary. Is not opposed to Military government. Thinks it best &c. |

| May 1 | Johnson, H. S. * Sub-Asst. Comr. Filed. | 64.  Sumpter, Tex., Apr. 28, 1867. Acknowledges receipt of communication of 20th inst. and that signed "Justice" with endorsement thereon.

Reports the arrival of Sergt. & 6 men.

Has forwarded Gen. A. Doubleday his decision in case of fm. Jack Robb vs. J. F. Moore. |

| May 4 | Johnson, Geo. W. * Co. Judge.  Filed. | 65.  Bellville, Texas, Apr. 30. 1867. Reports a riot between Wilson Hanks and other freedmen on one part and certain white men on another part. Ben Cowen was killed. A large portion of the neighborhood are in arms hunting down the freedmen. Requests troops for their protection. |

| May 12 | Johnson, P. B. Sub-Asst. Comr.  Referred Lt. Taylor A.A.A.G. May 15, 1867. | 66.  Hardin Co., Tex. May 7. 1867. States the District Judge at Beaumont has informed him that he adjourned court without doing any business on the ground that persons could not be found qualified for Jurors. |

| May 12 | Johnson, H. S. * Sub-Asst. Comr. Filed. | 67  Sumpter, Texas, May 8. 1867. Reports two assaults upon freedmen. | 

| 12 | Jacobs. Louis H. Sub-Asst. Comr. Filed. | 68.  Crockett. Texas. May 4, 1867. Reports having visited several plantations and finding the freedmen well at work and satisfied.

Asks permission to employ a clerk. |


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| May 14 | Jacobs. Louis H * Sub-Asst. Comr. Filed. | 69.  Crockett. Texas. May 9. 1867. Reports that several murders have been committed in counties adjoining Houston. Is unable to arrest the offending parties for want of horses. Requests 10 mounted men. |

|   | Johnson, I ** Capt. & S.A.C. Filed. | 70. La Grange, Texas. Feb. 2, 1867. Reports in compliance with Circular Letter dated, Dec. 31. 1867. |

|   | Johnson, H. S. Sub-Asst. Comr. Filed. ** | 71.  Sumpter, Texas. April 11, 1867. Reports for the Month of March in compliance with Circular Letter, dated Dec. 31, 1866. |

| May 12 | Johnson, P. B. Sub-Asst. Comr. Filed. ** | 72  Woodville, Texas. April 30, 1867. Reports complaints adjusted by him in April. |

| May 14 | Johnson, P. B. ** Sub-Asst. Comr. Filed. | 73.  Woodville, Texas, May 4, 1867. Reports condition of the country, feeling of the people, concerning schools &c. |

| May 12 | Johnson, H. S. ** Sub-Asst. Comr. Filed. | 74.  Sumpter, Texas, May 1, 1867. Reports for the Month of April in compliance with Circular Letter, dated Dec. 31. 1866. |  

| Mar. 15 | Johnson, P. B. * Filed. | 75. Livingston, Texas, Mar. 15. 1867. Writes of the condition of affairs in general in his section of the country – feeling of the people &c.

Inquires about his application to be appointed an Agent of the Bureau. |

| May 28" | Johnson, H. S. Sub. Asst. Comr. | 76.  Sumpter, Trinity Co. April 20" 1867 States that a (fw) named Jane Rhoads applied with complaint against Henry Gibbs – that after the breakage he took and carried away from her, - her 2 Children Jno and Louisa with him to Alleytown. Desires to have them returned as she is unable to bear the expenses of going after them. |

Transcription Notes:
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