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| April 3, | Hirgl M. W. Brvt Lt. Col. and A.D.C.  Referred to Mr J. Mitchell. Clarksville Red. River. Co. Texas. to be returned with infn April 3/66. | 1.  Head Quarters Dept of Tennessee, March 11th 1866.  Makes inquiry respecting the daughter of Prv. Charles Raper Co. "D" 1st U.S.C.A. (Hy) who was brought to Texas from Tenn, as a slave by a man named James Mitchell who is supposed to reside in Red. River. Co. Texas, and wishes her sent to her father at Memphis Tenn. if she can be found, her father is soon to be mustered-out of service and intends settling in Knox. Co. Tenn. where he owns some property, |

| April 3, | Hates, Dosson  Referred to Lt Van de Sands., S.A.C. at Columbus for remarks April 3/66. | 2,  Columbus Texas. March 25th 1866,  Complains that the Sub. Asst. Comr at Columbus Texas does not do his duty. That a Mr Bacon owes him $45 and that he cannot get the Agent to attend to, and that he may receive assistance, |

| May 14 | Heaton, A. C.  See E.B. page 31. | 3.  Millican, Texas, May 10th 1866,  States that he has been clerk for Dr Farner Sub. Asst. Com'r for last 5 months and has received no compensation for his labor, Asks to be paid through Q.M. Dept. as estimates for his pay have been returned to Dr Farner "Disapproved" |

| May 22 | Ketchum. * A. P. A.A.G.  (Telegram) (Filed) | 4.  Washington, D.C, May 18th 1866,  Asks for an immediate report by Telegraph of the names of all Vol. Staff Officers appointed by the President who can be spared, also those cannot be spared, |

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-25 20:59:11