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| May 3 | Lauholz, Maj. A. D.  See E.B. page 22. | 7  Hd Qrs 12th Ills Cav, Houston, Texas, May 1" 1866  Makes application that Lieut B, J. Arnold 12" Ills. Cav. be relieved from duty in the Freedmen's Bureau that he may be mustered-out with his Reg, |

| May 10 | Longworth, Wm Esq,  See E.B. page 26, | 8,  Sutherland Springs_ Texas April 30" 1866,  Reports cases adjudicated by him at Sutherland Springs_ during the Month of April 1866, |

| May 14 | Longworth. Wm  See E.B. page – 30, | 9  Sutherland Springs, Texas May 9th 1866,  Transmits case of United States V.S. J. L. Dial for Contempt for which he fined him $50 00/100 and asks to be sustained in this appeal_ |       

| May 22. | Longworth, Wm S.A. Comr  See E.B. page. 40, | 10.  Sequin, Texas, May 17" 1866,  Asks information as to whiether the old or late ruling of the Bureau in regard to minor orphans (freed) holds good. encloses letter from W. C. Wiseman, Chief Justice of Guadalope County ordering him to "stop upsetting the acts of County Court in this respect. Says the enclosed letter from Hd Qrs BRF is all the instructions he has received, (Two enclosures) |

| June 6, | Lathrop. Brvt Maj. 17' U.S. Inf.  See E.B. page, 54 | 11.  Houston, Texas June 4" 1866,  States that Capt Porter returned successful, and asks that instead of a permanent force being stationed at Beaumont, that a mounted party b sent with Lieut Hardenbrook, see him safely settled and then return, to be sent down there often without notice, |

| May 2. | Longworth. * Wm S.A. Comr  (Filed) | 12,  Sutherland Springs. Texas April 30th 1866,  List of cases on trial, adjudicated since last Report, (Two enclosures) |

| May 21 | Langworth, * Wm S.A. Comr  (Filed) | 13,  Seguin, Texas May 14" 1866,  Reports various proceeding, and asks if he can proceed to attach and sell property to satisfy judgements rendered, and if he can arrest and confine where it is clearly just to do so. the President's Proclamation renders these questions necessary, |

| May 2, | Longworth W. * S.A. Comr  (Filed) | 14.  Seguin. Texas, April 25th 1866,  Reports his attendance at the District Court at that place. taken by a Writ of Habeas Corpus that he had caused a man named Dial to be arrested for false imprisonment, Kidnapping, and threatening to kill, Don't know how the affair will end, &c &c, |

| May 10. | Longworth, W. S.A. Comr  (Filed) | 15.  Sutherland Springs. Texas May 1st 1866,  Reports having been occupied from the 23rd to the 28th Ult. in defending or rather fighting a Writ of Habeas Corpus issued against him by the Judge of the District Court of Guadaloupe [[Guadalupe]] County, States that his Hd Qrs will henceforth be at Seguin, &c &c, (one Enclosure), |

Transcription Notes:
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