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| April 20. | Murphy, W. H. Printer,  See E.B. Page. 16, | 7.  Hd Qrs B.R.F and A.L, State of Texas_ Galveston April 20/66,  Requests that John M. Dorland be relieved from duty as printer, |

| April 20, | Morrison, J. H. *  Filed. | 8.  Palestine Texas_ April 2" 1866,  Reports condition of affairs among Freedpeople in Anderson County, gives instances that need to be stopped, |

| April 15, | Morse. Captand A.A.I.G, *  Filed, | 9.  Richmond Texas April 13" 1866,  Reports his arrival at Richmond on the 11th Inst unable to go to Columbus owing to Bridge being down, States that Capt Sloan is successfull. Lieut. Van de Lande is absent from his post without permission. learns that other agents are also absent, |

| May 7. | Millers Capt Ed, S.A. Comr  See E.B. page, 24, | 10,  Victoria, Texas, May 2" 1866,  States case of Simeon, (f.m,) v.s. Mason Ragland and asks for decision of same by Asst Comr |

| May 11. | Miller Capt Ed.  See E.B. page 27. | 11.  Victoria Texas, May 5th 1866,  States that Mr R. Owen of Victoria has made an arrangement with certain freedmen to furnish them with supplies to be paid for on or about Decr 1" 1866, in Cotton. Asks if any objection exists against such an arrangement, |

| May 20, | Metzner. Lieut. J. Albert,  See E.B. page 44, | 12,  Clinton, De Witt. Co Texas. May 11th 1866,  Requests a small party of mounted men be stationed at Clinton, |

| May 28. | Miller. Capt Edward,  See E.B. page, 44, | 13,  Victoria Texas, May 25" 1866,  Asks what he shall do with a lunatic named "Johnny" a freedman, now in his charge, |

| May 28. | Miller. Capt Edward,  See E.B. page, 45, | 14  Victoria Texas_ May 25th 1866,  States that a Freedwoman named Elvira, a former slave of Dr Ragland. who refuses to support her any longer, She has been beddridden for a number of years_ also what disposition he shall make of her and her two Children, Can find good homes for the Children if allowed to bind them, |

| May 28, | Miller. Capt Edward,  See. E.B. page 46, | 15  Victoria Texas. May 23" 1866,  Requests that Twenty Cavalry be stationed at Victoria. to assist him in his duties, As Infantry cannot act at any distance from town, |

| May 31 | Metzner, Lieut J. A,  See E.B. page, 46, | 16,  Clinton, Texas, May 24" 1866,  Asks what deposition he shall make of funds received from fines &c, |

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