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[[3 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- |

| Sept 25. | Manning. A. T, 2nd Lieut. V.R.C,  See E.B. page, 158. | 69.  Waco, August 30" 1866,  Reports Station, |

| Sept 27. | Mayer A. H, Sub. Asst Comr  Returned See E.B. page, 160, | 70,  Liberty, Texas Sept 25th 1866,  Has found judgement against a planter for a freedmen for $36.00 who refuses to pay. Asks what course he shall pursue, |

| Octr 2, | Maupin Wm H,  (Hardiman Matagorda. Co) Returned to Mr Maupin Oct 17" 1866, with Reports of Lt Hutchison, See E.B. page, 162, | 71.  Caney Creek, Texas Sept 3" 1866,  States he contracted with Mr Lumbard Mimus to furnish every thing required on Plantation. in June I had a quarrel with Mr Mims. who made him leave the place, The freedmen wanted him to carry out his contract, he went to Lt Hutchison. who advised that a new contract be made with Mr Mims, reducing the share of the products to be paid him from 22/100 to 1/8, asks that the freedmen be protected form Mims. &c |

| Oct 2, | Marlow, L. K, Lt and Sub. Asst Comr  See E.B. page, 163. | 72,  Sterling. Texas Sept 26" 1866,  Asks concerning a contract said to have been transferred by L. D. Fuller to James Bently, as his (Fuller's) Agent, |

| Oct 9. | Manning A. T. Lt. and S.A. Comr  See E.B. page, 167, | 73,  Waco Texas Sept 29th 1866,  Requests permission to come to Galveston. on urgent business. for one day, |

| Oct 9. | Mauipin W. H,  Referred in connection with former on 2nd Inst. to Lieut Hutchison. S.A.C.  Returned. (EM. 71) | 74,  Hardiman. Texas Oct 4th 1866,  Makes further explanation in regard to difficulty between himself and freedmen with Mr Mims, |

| Oct 9" | Mayer. A. H. Sub. Asst Comr  See E.B page, 167, | 75,  Liberty, Texas, Oct 4th 1866,  Requests to be allowed a freedmen as Messenger at $8 per Month, to date from Sept 1st 1866, |

| Oct 10, | Morton, L. K, Lt. S.A. Comr  See E.B. page, 170, | 76,  Sterling. Texas Ocrt 4" 1866,  Asks if his course of requiring Civil Officers arresting freedmen to notify him of the fact before trial or investigation. be approved by Asst. Comr or not, |

| Octr 14 | Mayer. A. H, Sub. Asst Comr  Returned Granted, | 77,  Liberty, Texas Octr 11th 1866,  Requests permission, to visit Galveston, about Novr 1st for 4 or 5 days, |

| Oct 17. | Morton, L. K, Lieut & S.A.C,  See E.B. page. 174, | 78,  Sterling, Texas, Octr 12" 1866,  Enquires as to limits of his Dist, |

| Oct 16, | Mayer A. H, Sub. Asst Comr  See E.B. page 174, | 79,  Liberty, Texas, Octr 8th 1866,  [[strikethrough]] May [[/strikethrough]] Encloses Transcript. from Records of Dist, Courts of 15th Dist, containing proceedings in Case of Wm Ryburn. freedman sentenced to State Penitentiary for two years for theft, states Record is defective, but gives statement of circumstances, and asks that Govr Throckmorton be requested to extend his clemency to this case, as the prosecution was induced by a spirit of Malice and Revenge, |

Transcription Notes:
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