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| Feby 23 | McAlphin M. K.  See EB page 297 | 232. [No 3]  Washington Texas Feby 11th 1867  Encloses contract he has made with freedmen, for year 1867. |

| Feby 21st | McCormack J. H. *  Filed | 233 [No 1]  Galveston Texas Feby 21st 1867  Recommending Mr J. Williamson to a position in the Bureau_ |

| Feby 20th | Marston Geo * Pay Master U.S.A  Filed | 234 [No 1]  San Antonio Texas Feby 14th 1867  Requests to be furnished with a list of the Agents of Bureau FR&AL in Texas also also to notify him of their removal &c |

| Feby 20th | Moore T. J. *  Filed | 235 [No 1]  Austin Texas Febry 16th 1867  Makes statement about Cotton & account of FM_ Also complains of Bureau Agent & wishes answer by telegraph_ |

| Jany 25th | Morton Lemeul K * Sub Asst Comr  Filed | 236  Sterling Texas January 16th 1867  Calls attention to the case of Hop Culbert or Worthington. f.m. |

| March 2 | Moore & Ledbetter  Attor'y at  See E.B. Page 303. | 237.  Lagrange, Texas, Febuary 25, 1867  State that J. D. Gay holds six Bales of Cotton belonging to his former manager Peter McKillar under a Military order, that the freedmen have no claim upon McKillar only upon Gay. Gay has moved all his Cotton in defiance of the order of Capt. Johnson and they ask tht Gay, having disobeyed on order be not allowed to take advantage of another, and that the 6 B/c be released et cet. |

| March 1 | Miller Capt. Howard Sub-Asst Com'r  See E.B. Page. 303. | 238.  Millican, Texas, Feb'y 28th 1867.  Asks authority to employ W. C Miller as Clerk in his Office at $75 per Month. |

| March 8 | Mayer. A. H. Sub Asst Comr  Refd to Lt Garretson A.Q.M Mar 8th 1867 | 239.  Liberty Texas March 3d 1867  Asks that he may be allowed oil and candles for use in his office for Mos of Decr 1866 & Jany & Feby 1867 already purchased and that he be allowed to purchase the same in the future_ |

| Mar 9 | Mayer A. H. SA Comr  See EB page 311 | 240  Liberty Texas March 7th 1867  States that he has been requested by many of the planters of his section to visit their plantation and if he is ordered requests to be allowed to retain hi clerk untill his return
Also that he be furnished with full instruction |

| March 12 | Miller, Capt Ed S.A. Comr  See EB Page 312 | 241  Millican Texas March 9th 1867  States that in compliance with instructions dated March 7th 1867 he is contracted with Stephen Curtis. f.m. to repair School house
The old building will sell for $50. G W Stevenson the minister will get by subscription $150_
Freedmen will furnish shingles and Blocks worth $100_ Curtis agrees to finish the building for $400_ Making it cost in all $700_ |

| Mar 17 | Miller Ed Capt S.A. Comr  See EB Page 319 | 242  Millican Texas March 13th 1867  Enclosed papers marked (BRF&AL (S119) Jany 4"/67 asking for Authority to seize property proceeds of 50th/C mentioned therein_  Three Enclosures_ |

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-26 20:10:53