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 March 31 | Oakes Jas Bvt Brig Genl.  Referred to Lt Chas Garretson AAQM & DO thro'  office of Insp Schools | 7. Austin, Texas March 28 1867 Referring to a letter of WM Wheelock addressed to 1st Lt J.T. Kirkman dated March 7 1867 respecting the house abandoned by Mr Brown States that said house was turned over to him by Capt Byron Porter (his predecessor) on the 15 July 1867 and shown in the return of lands for that month. It is now rented to J. Fontaine at $25 p mo. the Christian School hired for $25 p month in its stead |

| April 2 | Oakes, Jas. Bvt Brig Genl  SA Comr  Referred to Lt Chas Garretson AAQM & DO State of Texas | 8 Austin Texas March 27, 1867. Contract between Brig General Jas. Oakes and Messrs Loomis & Christian for setting up the building in the City of Austin known as the Foundry, for a School house per specification for the sum of $428, U.. currency. |

| March 15 | Oakes James Brig Maj Genl  See EB p 335. | 9 Austin Texas March 11 1867 Enclose the report of the committees on public safety to the convention of 1861. also the general laws of the 10th legislature of Texas. And states that the proceedings of the Cecession of convention have now been published. thinks the only copy in existence is the record of the Clerk of the Convention deposited in the Capitol. |

| Mar 5 | Oakes James Bvt Brig Gen & SA Comr Filed | 10. Austin, Texas. March 2, 1867. Received some orders &c when he relieved Capt Porter. now wishes a complete file. |

| Mar 29 | Oakes James Bvt Brig Gen. SAC Filed | 11. Austin, Tex. Mar. 25, 1867. Incloses communication from Gov. J.W. Throckmorton concerning the report of Col Sinclair on the Penitentiary convicts. |

| May 12 | Oakes, James Bvt. Brig. Gen & Sub Asst Comr Filed | 12. Austin, Texas. May 7, 1867. Acknowledges receipt of letter notifying him that his report for March in compliance with Cir Letter of Dec. 31, 1866 had no been received. States he was absent that month (March) and Lt Richardson made the report. Asks it be received as such. |

| May 15 | Oakes, James Bvt Brig Gen USA enclosure filed with p 174  Letter of Oakes Filed. EB page 399. | 13. Austin, Texas. May 7, 1867. Transmits letter from Capt Porter SA Comr at Bastrop dated April 30 relative to the arrest of one A.W. Fort. Also other papers in regard to the case.  Asks for instructions in the case and what further steps to take should any be required. |

| May 17 | Oakes, James Bvt Brig Gen USA Filed | 14. Austin, Texas. May 10, 1867. Has received 2 blank books for office use. Asks if he has to receipt for them. Wishes to be furnished with blank requisitions &c |

|   | Oakes, James Bvt Brig Gen USA  SA Comr Filed | 15 Austin, Texas. Feb. 28, 1867. Reports for the month of February in compliance with Circular Letter, dated Dec. 31, 1866 |

| May 12 | Oakes, James Bvt. Brig Gen USA  Sub Asst Comr Filed | 16 Austin, Texas. April 30, 1867 Reports for the month of April in compliance with Circular Letter dated Dec 31, 1866. |

| May 12 | Oakes, James Bvt Brig Gen USA Sub Asst Comr Filed | 17 Austin, Texas April 30, 1867. Transmits Report of Abandoned Lands for April. No Rations issued. |