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[[3 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- |

| May 15 | Rock. Wm H. * Sub-Asst. Comr.  Filed | 103.  Richmond. Texas. May 13. 1867.  States the boy of Austin Co. Abducted by force has been found and names of parties concerned ascertained. |   

| May 19 | Randall. J. L * Sub-Asst. Comr.  Filed. | 104. Sterling. Texas. May 11. 1867.  States Sloan's papers will be attended to. Wishes blank vouchers for teachers pay. |

| May 21 | Randlett, N. H. Capt. & S.A.C.  E.B. pag/ 411. & 436 | 104  Anderson. Texas. May 17, 1867.  Inquires about his pay accounts for April. | 

| April 14 | Rand. Chas. F. * Capt. V.R.C.  Filed. | 105.  Marshall. Texas. Apr. 4, 1867.  Recommends Thos P. Monroe (late Lieut. 80" U.S.C.T.) as Agent of the Bureau at Jefferson. |

| May 22 | Rock. Wm H. Sub-Asst. Comr  Returned May 22. 1867. Request granted. | 106.  Richmond, Tex. May 20. 1867.  Has been ill since his return from Galveston and has been unable to furnish his report in compliance with circ Letter, dated Dec. 31. 1867. Ask that he may be allowed to embody the one for April & May in the same Report. |

| May 22 | Rock, Wm H. Sub-Asst Comr.  Referred May 22. 1867 to Lt. A. G. Malloy, A.A. Comr Marshall  EB Vol 2. 123 | 107.  Richmond, Texas, May 20. 1867.  Incloses account of $17.50 of James Williamson. (f.m.) vs. E. Coleman, late school teacher at Richmond, Texas, for collection. |

| May 19 | Randlett, N. H. Capt. & S.A.C.  Referred Lt. Garretson. May 22 | 108.  Anderson. Texas, May 14. 1867.  Requests to be furnished a public horse and equipments. |

| April 30 | Rand. Chas F. * Capt. & S.A. Comr.  Filed. | 109  Marshall. Texas. Apr. 20. 1867.  Reports condition of District, names of Union men and number of freedmen. |

|   | Rock. Wm H. ** Sub-Asst. Comr.  Filed. | 110  Richmond, Texas. Jan. 12. 1867.  Reports in compliance with Circular Letter. dated. Dec. 31. 1866. |

| 1867 | Randlett, N. H. ** Capt. & S.A. Comr.  Filed. | 111.  Courtney, Texas. Jan. 5. 1867.  Reports in compliance with Circular Letter. dated. Dec. 31. 1866. |

|   | Rock. Wm H. ** Sub-Asst. Comr.  Filed. | 112.  Richmond. Texas. Feb. 3. 1867.  Reports for the month of January in compliance with Circular  Letter. dated. Dec. 31. 1866. |

|   | Rand. Chas. F. ** Bvt. Capt. & S.A.C.  Filed. | 113.  Marshall. Texas. Mar. 4. 1867.  Reports for the month of February in compliance with Circular Letter. dated Dec. 31. 1866. |

|   | Rock. Wm H. ** Sub-Asst. Comr.  Filed. | 114  Richmond, Texas. Mar. 6. 1867.  Reports for the month of February in compliance with Circular Letter, dated Dec. 31. 1866. |

|   | Rock. Wm H. ** Sub-Asst. Comr.  Filed. | 115.  Richmond. Texas. April 2. 1867.  Reports for the month of March in compliance with Circular Letter, dated Dec. 31. 1866. |

|   | Richardson, J. P. ** Lieut & Act S.A.C.  Filed. | 116.  Austin. Tex., Mar. 31, 1867.  Reports for the month of March in compliance with Circular Letter, dated Dec. 31. 1866. |

|   | Randlett, N. H. ** Capt. & S.A. Comr.  Filed. | 117.  Anderson, Texas. Apr. 3, 1867.  Reports for the month of March in compliance with Circular Letter, dated Dec. 31. 1866. |

|   | Reinhard, Fred. W. ** Sub-Asst. Comr.  Filed. | 118.  Centreville, Tex., Apr. 10. 1867.  Reports for the month of March in compliance with Circular Letter, dated. Dec. 31, 1866. | 

|   | Randlett. N. H. ** Capt. & S.A. Comr.  Filed. | 119.  Anderson, Texas. May 30, 1867.  Reports for the month of April in compliance  with Circular Letter. dated Dec. 31. 1866. |

|   | Randall. J. L. ** Sub-Asst. Comr  Filed. | 120.  Sterling, Texas. April 30. 1866.  Reports for the month of April in compliance with Circular Letter. dated. Dec. 31. 1866. |

Transcription Notes:
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