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[[3 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- |

| June 7th | Roane. David * (fm)  See EB 430 | 136  Galveston_ Office_ 1867  Complaint entered by one (fm) David Roane relating to Stealing meat &c &c. |
| June 7" | Randlett. N H. SAC  See EM B. P. 431. | 137'  Anderson Tex. May 31" 1867  States that his pay acct's were f'wd thro office Bur R.F&aL.for month of April some time in May, and has since heard nothing about them  Desires information concerning them. |

| June 12" | Randall. J. L. SA.C.  Referred to O. F. Hunsaker June 18  Filed June 17th 1867 | 138'  Sterling June 1th 1867  Encloses letter from Adelaine Hearn (fw) She state that Mr Saml Hearn (decd) left by will to herself upon all his effects of which he died Seized. that the property was seized after his death by the Hearn family & property Sold therefrom - wishes redress. |

| May 10th | Randall. J. L. SAC  Filed June 17th 1867 | 139'  Sterling. Tex. May 3d 1867  Reports no rations nor aband' Lands for month of May 1867 |

| June 4" | Randlett. A H. SA.C  Filed. June 17th 1867 | 140'  Anderson June 1" 1867  Reports no rations nor aband' Lands for May 1867 |

| June 12" | Rainey. Frank * M.D  Filed June 17th 1867 | 141'  Crockett June 4" 1867.  Reports Capt Jacobs Sa.C. confined in bed Sick and cannot forward report. Hopes it may prove satisfactory |

| June 7" | Robert. C. E. Lieut.  Referred to Lieut. Taylor D of T. for his information. EB 451. | 142'  Brenham Tex. June 13" 1867  States his delay in reporting is occasioned by the officer to whom he is to turn over the property for which he is accountable at his present station |

| June 5" | Rand. Chas F. Bvt Capt. & S.A.C  June 17 Returned - disapproved. | 143'  Marshall Tex. May 28" 1867  Asks for leave of absence to proceed to his home in Batavia N.Y. on account of his health. Enclosures Surgeons' certificate |

| June 17th | Reinhardt. Fredk W. Sa.C  June 21 Referred to Lieut Kirkman Supt of Schools_ | 144'  Centreville Tex. June 8th 1867  States 5 Schools in operation in Leon County (copy) for (fm) |

| June 25" | Roberts. C H. 2 Lt. 17th Infantry  June 28 Returned - granted_ (Sgd) J.T.K | 145.  Brenham Tex. June 20th 1867  Requests permission to delay until 5th prox. in reporting at Galveston |

| June 22d | Rock. Wm. H. SAC.  E&M B. Page 463 | 146  Richmond Tex. June 17th 1867  A (fm) beat his child fearfully causing 7 or 8 severe gashes on her back. Ought to be punished_ family unwilling to send him to jail as he supports them |

| June 28" | Rock. Wm. H. SAC.  Filed July 6th 1867 | 147  Richmond Tex June 25th 1867  Acknowledges receipt - of letter notifying non acceptance of reports for Apl & May. States that he consolidated them and sent them on the 15th. Will be in Galveston and bring them with him. | 

| July 4 | Roan Sarah F.W.  E.B. pg. 473 | 148  Galveston Texas July 2 - 1867  States that her husband David Roan about the 14th May, left for Millican to visit a brother he had not seen for years. was arrested. Put in Jail where he now is for no crime. against the laws. Requests redress. |

| May. 28 | Randlett, J. S. * S.A.C, | 149  Sterling Texas. May, 25th 1867  Forwards oath of office duly witnessed |

| July 10 | Rock. Wm H. ** S.A.C.  Filed. E&M B. 480 Extract furnishd Supt. of Schools. | 150  Richmond Texas. July 4 - 1867  Report for month of June, 1867. in compliance with Cir. letter dated Dec. 31. 1866. |

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