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[[3 columned table]]
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| Sept 11. | Skinner. H. Capt and A.A.A. Genl  See E.B. page, 153. | 54,  Little Rock. Ark, Aug 24th 1866,  Asks information concurring wife of Phillp Watts a freedman of Little Rock Ark, who was taken from Princeton Dallas. Co. Ark. by Asa Coans in 1863, to Dangerfield [[Daingerfield]]. Titus Co. Texas, where she and boy Richard are now supposed to be, |

| Sept 10. | Sloan. Saml C, Capt and S.A.C,  See E.B. page, 153. | 55.  Millican Texas, Sept 8th 1866,  Asks to be authorized to employ a clerk. for reasons, |

| Sept 25. | Sowles. W. O,  See E.B. page. 157. | 56.  Houston, Texas Sept 20th 1866,  Requests position in Freedmen's Bureau, |

| Octr 11. | Saylor J. A Lieut V.R.C.  See E.B page 172, | 57.  Hallettsville Texas October 10th 1866,  States he has had fever (intermittent) since last July, for that and other reasons asks to be sent to some station further north, | 

| Octr | Sedgwick. Thos. S. Lt. Col. 114 U.S.C.T.  See E.B. page 182, | 58.  Ringold [[Ringgold]] Barracks Tex Octr 5th 1866,  Requests that Captains I. Johnson and Alex B. Coggeshall of his Regt to be relieved from duty in freedmen's Bureau and returned to their Regts. |

| Octr 29 | Saylor. J. Albert. Lieut V.R.C.  See E.B. page 183, | 59.  Galveston, Texas. Octr 29" 1866.  States he has received Extract of S.O. placing him in arrest, Asks why he was so placed in arrest, |

| Oct 30, | Sloan. S. C. Capt & S.A. Comr  See E.B. page, 184, | 60,  Millican Texas. Oct 26th 1866,  States the Planters are furnishing Rope and Bagging for the freedmen's share of the Cotton, and controling the sale of the same, |

| Novr 3. | Spaight. A. W.  Forwarded to Genl Howard. Novr 23/66. See T. 34. Letters Received. | 61.  Liberty. Texas Octr 28" 1866,  Applies for transportation & Rations en. route be furnished to 100 freedmen. from other states, | 

| Oct. 26 | Sloan. S. C. Capt. & S.A. Comr.  See E.B. page 196. | 62.  Millican, Texas, Oct. 23. 1866.  Requests that all copies of Contracts (Retained) approved at his Post be returned as some of the planters &c. have lost their copies. |

| Nov. 10 | Saylor. J. Albert (late) Lieut. V.R.C.  See E.B. page 200. | 63.  Galveston. Texas. Nov. 8. 1866.  Makes statement in reply to endorsement of Brvt. Maj. Gen'l Kiddoo upon his Application to be ordered North. Also in obedience to Par. 8. S.O. 536. A.G.O. dated. Oct. 27. 1866. |

| Nov. 19 | Shipard. James E.  See E.B. page 201. | 64  Brenham, Texas, Nov. 16. 1866.  Asks information as to mode of obtaining transportation for hands from states East of the Miss. |

Transcription Notes:
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