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474  475

[[3 Columned Table]]
| --- | --- | ---

| Jany 10, | Shields. S. B, | 123.  Marlin. Falls. Co. Texas Jan'y 2" 1867,  Applies for transportation for 15 freedmen to labor upon his own plantation, in Falls_ Co. Appoints Ambrose Key his attorney, |

| Jan. 21 | Storey. James G.  See E.B. page 261 | 124  San Marcos. Texas. Dec. 27. 1866.  Requests information in regard to contracts and apprentices. Asks if they are to be governed by the late laws of the Texas Legislature. |

| Jan. 20 | Smith. Geo. W. Bvt. Maj. & S.A.C.  See E.B. page 269. | 125.  Seguin. Texas. Jan. 8. 1867.  Asks to be furnished with a clerk. and information as to renting a store. |

| Jan. 22 | Sloan. Sam. C. Capt. & S.A.C.  See E.B. page 264. | 126.  Millican, Texas. Dec. 1, 1866.  Requests authority to purchase a stove-pipe and one gallon oil for month of Dec. 1866. |

| Jan. 29 | Shropshire. Henderson & Co  See E.B. page 269. | 127.  Galveston, Texas Jan. 29. 1867.  Have just received for account of A. E. Penrice 24 bales of cotton that are unsold. The charges against this lot are freight, a draft to pay U.S. Int. Revenue Tax, and two drafts in favor of R. S. Blake for $1000 gold |

| Jan'y 28 | Sharkey Geo. Lt 15th Inf  See E.B. 272, also 297. E.B. 459, 473. | 128,  Selma. Ala. Decr 28" 1867  States that Geo. Andrews & Wife. (Cold) complain that Mr J. L. Muckle of Washington Co. Texas has their daughter and refuses or neglects to allow her to come home. she has $100 due her to pay her expenses, |

| Jan'y 29 | Sloan. Capt Saml C,  See E.B. page 271. | 129.  Millican. Texas Jan'y 21" 1867  Acknowledges of letter of A. Sessums & Co, with endorsement thereon from Bu. Hd Qrs, has taken no action in case Battles' & Edrington's Cotton, but has seen their a/c and can soon effect a settlement, all parties are willing to sell at Millican, thinks it best, but asks approval, |

| Jan'y 29, | Sloan. Capt Saml C,  See E.B. page 271. | 130  Millican. Texas Jan'y 25th 1867,  Asks that 50 B/c shipped by Simmons & Smith to A. B. Thompson & Co. from Millican. Marked S&S be stopped, |

| Feby 7 | Smith Geo W Capt 35 US Infy S.A. Comr  See EB page 277 | 131  BRF.A.L Seguin Texas Feby 1. 1867  States that he commands his own Company and draw Fuel and quarters in Kind |

| Feby 7 | Schmidt Chas  See EB page 277 | 132  Columbus Tex Feby 1. 1867.  Report relating to the occupation of a house in Columbus by Lt A. M. Harris S.A.C for the use of the Troops under his Command |

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