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Letter S from Page 478.

[[3 Columned Table]]
| --- | --- | --- |

| Nov | Smith Robt. K * U.S. Dist Tax Comr  Filed. | 151  Austin Texas October 30th 1866  Reports state of Red River Co and of the bad treatment of the F.M. &c. |

| Feby 25 | Sturgis F. B. Sub Asst Comr  E&MB. 478 (Filed) Referred to Bvt Col Sinclair Inspt Bureau- | 152  Marlin Texas Febry 20th 1867  Encloses papers in case of Jeff Bennett & others (fm) VS A P. Delano, for wages collected for them but never paid over  Five enclosures. |

| Feb 26 | Stevens Phineas Lt 35th US Inft.  Refed to Mr Wheelock Supt of Schools- | 153  Galveston Texas Feby 26th 1867  Reports condition of school affairs at Houston Hempstead &c Texas |

| Feby 26 | Sinclair. W. H. Inspector  Refd to Lt Chas Garretson A.A.Q.M | 154  Galveston. Texas Febry 26th 1867  Requests Desk & Table for his office- |

| Feby 27 | Sinclair Wm H. Inspector Bu R.F &c  Referred to Lt A H M Taylor AAA Genl | 155  Galveston. Texas Feby 27th 1867  Reports that 50 stand of muskets are in possession of Thos Gibbs a citizen of Huntsville Walton Co Texas and he is very anxious that they be removed, they were collected by a Treasury Agent, soon after the close of the war- |

| Feby 10 | Smith Geo. W. * Bt Maj & Asst Comr  Filed | 156  Seguin Texas Feby 6th 1867  Forwards papers in case of Dunn - vs - Campbell (f.w.c) and reports state of Country around him bad- |

| Feby 14 | Sinclair. Wm H * Inspector Bu RF &c  Filed | 157  Milican Texas Feby 14th 1867  Reports arrival at Milican &c- |

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