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| July. 13 | Spencer. Joel. * | 269  Brazoria Texas. July, 10. 1867  Invites the attention of Lt J. T. Kirkman AAA.G. Bu R.F.&A.L. to the case of C. C. Millican, civilian now at large and having escaped the Military Authorities for nearly two years. Expects that he has left for Tuspan, Mexico. Desirous of apprehending him &c, |

| July. 12 | Sturgis F. B. *** S.A.C.  Filed | 270  Marlin Texas. July 8, 1867  Report of "Murders and assaults with intent to Kill" since January 1867. |

| July. 13. | Sturgis F. B. * S.A.C. | 271.  Marlin Texas. July. 8. 1867  Reports the arrival of 2 Privates 26th U.S. Infy assigned to him for duty. |

| July. 12 | Sinclair * | 272.  Clarksville Tex July 2. 1867  Asks for troops for that station. to protect freedmen. States disposition of inhabitants, |

| July 12 | Smith Bvt. Maj. ** S.A.C.  (E&M. B. 486. 487) | 273.  Seguin Texas July 4. 1867  Report of the month of June. in accordance with Cir letter dated Dec. 31. 1866. |

| June, 16 | Smith Geo W. ** S.A.C. | 274.  Seguin Tex May 31. 1867  Report for month of May in compliance with Cir_ letter dated Dec. 31. 1866. |

| June, 30 | Smith Geo. W. ** S.A.C. | 275.  Seguine Texas May 31, 1867  Report for month of May in compliance with Cir. letter dated Dec. 31. 1866. |


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| July 18 | Sartain Geo F.  E&M. B. 496 | 27 276.  Mt. Pleasant July 2, 1867  Forwards petition on behalf of several Freedmen who were hired for a specified salary at specie by one D. Bruden. Citizen Titus County. for 1866. said Bruden failing to pay. requests that the case be investigated. |

| 20 | Sinclair Wm H. Inspector.  E&M B 498 | 277.  Bonham Tex July 11. 1867  States that there is a Blacksmith shop. there worth 2 or $3000 and rents for $100 per year, was built by the Confederacy. The claimant appears to be one R. A. Burney, who has the reputation of being a bitter rebel.
Recommends that the shop be at once seized by the Officer in Command at Sherman. for the benefit of the Government &c. |

| 12 | Sinclair W. H. * Inspector,_  Filed | 278.  Clarksville Tex. July 2, 1867.  States that the impoverished condition of the freedpeople and the inhumane treatment they receive daily at the hands of a gang of outlaws. Requests that troops and Energetic officers be sent there for the protection of Freedmen, and Boards of Registration, also that murders are committed and the assasins permitted to run at large, from the fact of the citizens not aiding County offices in the arrest of such, &c. |

| 23 | Sorley W. B. & Co.  E&M B 503 E.B. 522. | 279.  Galveston Texas. May 18, 1867  Makes statement in regard to a Claim held by them against a number of Freedmen in the Employ of D. D. Alston. of Walker County, amounting to. 598.72 | 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-14 10:04:20 changed "Sequin" to "Seguin" "Tuspan" probably a misspelling of "Tuxpan," Mexico ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-14 10:05:42 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-15 09:19:41 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-23 12:06:30