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| Mar 10 | Throckmorton J.W. * Gov of State Filed | 61  Austin Texas March 4th 1867  Acknowledges receipt of the report of  Capt Rand S.A.C. at Marshall & referred them to the Civil authorities of Harrison Co. also advised that pauper children be cared for by police court untill they can be appreciated out. |

| Mar 10 | Throckmorton J.W. * Gov of State Filed | 62  Austin Texas March 7th 1867  Acknowledges receipt of letter dated 1st Inst enclosing statement of outrage on F. M. in Leona County, has authorized all exertions for the capture of the perpetrators & will offer reward |

| Mar 10 | Throckmorton J.W. *  Gov of State Filed | 63  Austin Texas March 5 1867  Encloses report of the county attorney of Travis County in reference to the trial of E Parsons & Mat. Howlin. (One Enclosure) |

| Feby 15 | Throckmorton J.W. * Gov of State | 64  Austin Texas Feby 11th 1867  State that he will have 50 copies of the State laws forwarded at once & also one to Maj Genl O. O. Howard. |

| Feby 11 | Texas Brvt Maj Genl Griffin * Filed | 65  Galveston Texas Febry 11th 1867  Special order directing that the enlisted men on duty with S.A.C at. Wharton Texas, be allowed commutation of Rations under regulations Governing. |


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| Mar 23 | Texas Genl Com'd Dist of p Lt Taylor AAA Genl See EB page 326 | 66  Galveston Texas March 23d 1867  Acknowledges through office of AAA Genl Bu the receipt of reference of a letter from D.S. Claiborne Inspt Intg Rev by Lt Harris Sub Asst Coms at Columbus Texas, asking for military assistance in executing Rev Laws and informing Lt Starris that a Detcht of 10 men and one non coms officer from Austin has been ordered to report to him for such duty, not to be kept from their command any longer than necessary, action taken to be reported. |

| Mar | Texas * Brvt Maj Genl Griffin Asst Coms Filed | 67  Galveston Texas Febry 20th 1867  Requests authority to purchase office furniture &c for the Bureau of Refugees and AL from the Qr. M. Dept of the Army, as it can be done to better advantage than in open market. |

|   | Texas, State of * Throckmorton J.W. Governor (Filed) | (68)  Austin Texas April 10th 1867  Encloses copy of letter received from Judge Gardner of Leon Co. Texas concerning pauper freedman &c. |

| April 1st | Tolman, T.L. * Sub. Asst. Coms. (Filed) | (69)  Head Quarters Post of Sherman  Sherman Texas March 23d 1867  States he has entered upon the duties of his office as Sub Asst Coms and requests authority to employ a citizen Clerk until he becomes familiar with the duties of his office. |

| Feb. | Thomas, Samuel * Col. & Asst. Coms. Filed. | 70. Vicksburg, Miss. Feb. 15, 1867. Introduces Hennel Stevens who is about to settle in Texas. |

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