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[[3 Columned Table]]
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| April 5, | Wagner * Max. W.  Filed, | 7,  New Braunfels_ Texas_ March 29" 1866,  Requests to be appointed an Agent of the Bureau_ |

| May 4' | Wheelock E. M, Supt of Schools,  Referred to Jacob R Sheppard Sect'y F. Aid Society_ | 8,  Galveston, Texas, Office of Fn Schools_ May 1st 1866,  Reports the Educational Work done for Freedmen in the State of Texas, for the information of the "American Freedmen's Aid Commission,"

There was only one School for frd in Texas last Sept, as there are no funds to pay Teachers &c the schools of Texas are all self supporting, Teachers were got from Louisiana, as the schools in that state wer broken up about that time, No aid has been received by the schools in Texas except some Testaments from Bible House in N. York,

Have 400,000 freedpeople to educate &c need copies of Scriptures for all of them, money to build school, Teachers. (400), All schools in Texas are under the direction of F.B, Consequently no wastage on account of isolated labor,

No School ever established has been discontinued,

Have 94 schools in operation and 4600 pupil, have day. Night and Sunday School, |

| May 11 | White and Burgiss Att'ies  See E.B. page, 29. | 9,  Seguin. Texas April 27th 1866,  Forward Bill of $100 for defending Wm Longworth against writ of "Habeas Corpus"  Asks that Mr Longworth be instucted to pay same out of funds belonging to this Bureau, |

| May 20. Wright. Capt S. I_ A.Q.M,  See E.B. page, 33, | 10,  Galveston, Texas, May 3rd 1866,  Transmits estimates of Funds for the month of May 1866. amounting to $984 00/100, (2 Enclosures) |

| May 24 | Wright, S. * Clerk. C.C, G.C  (Filed) | 11  Seguin, Texas, May 18" 1866,  Forwards correspondence between Wm Longworth and W. C. Wiseman, relative to the apprenticeship of Minor Orphans (Freed)  States the Longworth is acting in defiance of all civil authority having set aside action of Courts that had bound out such children, |

{ April 28. | Whiteside. * John. F.  (Filed) | 12  Grimes County Texas April 24" 1866,  Recommends that Captain Randlett, Sub, Asst. Comr be allowed to remain and have his office with him, gives his reasons &c |

| May 4 | Wolf * Geo. W,  (Filed) | 13.  Galveston Texas May 4" 1866,  In relation to Freedwoman Sally Williams concerning. Washing, |

| May 8 | Woodhull Max, * A.A. Genl  (Filed) | 14  Washington Texas April 27" 1866,  In reference to accounting for old building by Quarter-Master Dept of Bureau, |

Transcription Notes:
These pages appear to have been transcribed in August 2022. ANK.