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[[3 Columned Table]]
| --- | --- | --- |

| March 1 | Wheelock, E. M,  (Filed) | 15.  Galveston Texas March 1st 1866,  Report of schools for February 1866, |

| June 28 | Wright Maj. Genl  See E.B page, 75. | 16.  Hd Qrs. Dept of Texas Galveston. June 26th 1866,  Encloses Copy of letter from Capt Sloan, S.A. Comr F.B. to Maj. Pearson Com.dg Post of Richmond Texas, ordering him to do a certain duty,
Asks that Capt. Sloan be instructed as to the relations existing between between the F.B. and Officers Com.dg Troops in the Dept, also that others be instructed where necessary, (one enclosure) |

| July 13. | Weaver. S. G.  See E.B. page 89. | 17.  Spring Creek, Texas_ June 30th 1866,  Asks if Freedman's Bureau can give him help to start again, and states that several people in his section are without money or subsistence and some of them are Widows, |

| July 16. | Walden, Louis,  See E.B. page, 89, | 18.  New York. City, 198 Allen St July 5/66,  Applies for position in Freedmen's Bureau, in Texas, |

|   | Wheelock, E. M,  (Filed) | 19.  Galveston. Texas, March 31st 1866.  Reports Condition of schools for the month ending March 31st 1866, |

|   | Wheelock, E. M,  (Filed) | 20.  Galveston. Texas, April 30" 1866,  Reports Condition of schools for the month ending April 30th 1866, | 

| July 24 | Wright. Saml I. Capt and A.Q.M.  See E.B. page, 108. | 21,  Galveston Texas. July 21st 1866,  Transmits copy of an account of Saml Gamage Asst. Special Agent of Treasury Dept. at San Antonio Texas, showing a Balance due B.R &c from Treas. Dept of $1714 00 from rent of Govt Tannery turned over to Bureau, States that Mr Gamage stated he had paid that amount to Geo. L Dennison. Supervising Specisl Agent Treas. Dept at New Orleans, but would get it back and pay it over to the Bureau, but did not, is no longer an Officer f Treas, Dept, asks that the Amount be recovered from Treas. Dept, |

| Aug. 7. | Whitforth, S. J,  See E.B. page, 133. and 117. | 22,  Hempstead Texas July 20th 1866,  Complains that Capt. Allen, S.A. Comr has prohibited him from employing Mr Ballon as Agent upon his plantation, |

} Aug 10, | Williams, C. W.  See E.B. page 119. | 23,  Wharton, Texas,  Augt 8th 1866,  Understands that his manager (Brown) has written about one "Rose" tampering with his Hands. hopes that something will be done with him as his hands are doing very badly in consequence will probably loose his crop if things continue as they are now, |

| Aug 12 | Whitaker, J. B.  See E.B. page 127, | 24.  Topeka, Kansas, July 20th 1866,  Writes in behalf of David Barber (Cold) who desires information concerning his wife Sophia Howard, who with her 6 children were sent to Collins Co. Texas in 1861, |

Transcription Notes:
unsure how to format bottom sections of first page