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Washington Building
1 Broadway

Ansd  Nov 29th

New York, N.Y.,
November 28th, 1913

Dear Mr. Freer;-

I have your favor of even date, with enclosure as stated. Check on GTCo No. 1386 for 500.00 I beg to hand you my check for $14.50, as the total amount of draft sent to Mr. Hobson was only $971.00.

I fully understand how you feel in regard to the Chun Yao piece. I shall therefore send a cable to Mr. Worch.

Hoping you are quite well, and expecting to see you on Tuesday afternoon.

Yours very truly,
A. Wlu. A. Pete

Charles L. Freer, Esq.,
The Palza Hotel,
New York, N.Y.

Mrs. Zavitz
Please make voucher in favor of Samuel J. Peters $500.00 and attach this letter as receipt.
Let voucher read
For my proportion of expense of bringing Mr. Hobson to New York for the purpose of writing the catalog of pottery shown under the auspices of the Japan Society.
Charge personal expense
P.S. Mr. Peters ck for $14.50/100 I will cash and use same personally-