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Famous painting untitled "Sacrifice to Ancestors at the Spring festival" by Jhang Tse-tuan, the masterpiece of this great Sung artist. The well known work on great painters, the T'u Hui Pao chion ewolled mirror of Painting, Vol: 3, page 23, says of this master:
"Chang Tse-tuan, styled Cheng Tao or Righteous principle, native of Shantung. 9he lived circa 10100. As a young man, he was a keen student of the classics of histories and later went to the capital (at that time KaiFeng) where he studied painting. He was expert in distance landscapes and especially fond of depicting busy scenes of traffic such as the market place or town bridge. He became founder of a new school of painting in his representations of village life,. His technique in miraculous in minuteness and delicacy: it omits nothing, however small and such perfect results could only be attained at the expense of years of arduous toil, in which the artist erose early and pondered over his work on his couch of nights. Thus very few specimens have come down of his skill and compartively little is known about him by posterity. There is, however, one painting which is admittedly his chef d'oeuvrs, which is known as "the Sacrifice to Ancestors at the Spring" (Ch'ing Ming, equivalent to our Easter) Festival." This painting afterwards passed into the possession of the Yuan emperors and was preserved in the palace, whence it has not reappeared among men."

According to the inscription attached to the painting by a [[?]] -man of the Yuan dynasty it was stolen from the palace by the guardian and a copy substitututed for it. Ch'iu ShiaYing's famous copy of this masterpiece appears to have been made after this substituted work and not the original which came back to the palace in the reign of Ch'ien Lung and remained there till the revolution, when it was sold by a eunuch to me. Price £1000.