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Distinguished Guests Attend and Greatly Enjoy Their Ball.


A Lecture at the Ex-President's Home and Many Other Social Events of Interest.

Sherry's beautiful white and gold ball room was filled before eleven o'clock last night with the members of the Southern Society and their guests. Lander's orchestra played old Southern melodies in the balcony behind a screen of pine and palmetto. Southern punch and terrapin were freely partaken of among other good things. Among the guests were:--

John C. Calhoun, D. Mitchell Bright, Dr. J. H. Dew, S. S. Logan, Dr. Robert Myles, Colonel Samuel B. Paul, Dr. Herbert Clairborne, T. P. O'Connor, M. P.; Thomas Nelson Page, Colonel A. G. Dickinson, Douglas Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Burton N. Harrison, Alfred Beyrd, J. W. McKay, Jr.; Lewis Livingston, Lieutenant Percy Pickerell, Miss Laura Buchanan, Miss Fanny Pryor, Mme. de Barrios, Mr. and Mrs. George N. Fearns, Milton Randolph, Hugh Douglas Wise, and Miss Mitchell, of Louisville; Howard Page, Howard Saunders, Miss Elinor Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Buckner Bright, Miss Edith Platt Holmes Conrad, the Misses Clarke, Mrs. Eugene Ives, Senator and Mrs. Calvin S. Brice, Judge and Mrs. Somerville, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Thompson, Miss Peebles, Miss Niles, Mr. and Mrs. Ballard Smith, Mr. and Mrs. James J. Barton, Miss Belle Green, Mrs. Alexander Olymphant, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Elkins, Bradley Johnstone, Mrs. Charles Carroll Leeds, the Misses Leeds, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crawford, Mrs. Edith Marion Kyle, Walter Hansell Tunis, Cecil Landale, W. Reed, Lieutenant F. S. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McIlvaine, Mrs. Georgia McIntosh and Mrs. Mary E. Bryan.



A matinée was given at the Plaza Hotel yesteaday [[yesterday]], at noon, in aid of the Post Graduate Hospital Training School for Nurses.

Through the kindness of Mr. Hammond the Board of Managers had obtained permission to use the lounging room of the hotel. An audience of about seven hundred people was present, among whom were many prominent ladies.

The entertainment began with the "Overture to Tannhaüser," excellently rendered on the piano by Misses Hibbard. 

Mrs. Charles Waldo Richards read eight selections of verse and prose, some of which she was obliged to reread. The costume of turquoise blue crêpe and silk and the posture of the reader were of themselves enough to win applause. "Taking an Elevator," by Josiah Allen's Wife, was most enjoyed.

Miss Adelina Hibbard sang four songs, while Miss Hortense Hibbard gave some selections from classical music on the piano.

Seven hundred dollars was taken in, most of which will go to the training school, as there was very little expense.

Among the most prominent ladies present were Mrs. Grover Cleveland, Mrs. Calvin S. Brice, Mrs. Granville P. Hawes, Mrs. Payson Merrill, Mrs. Roosevelt, Mrs. Mill Holland of Brooklyn; Mrs. Hockley, Mrs. Talbot Oliphant, Mrs. Charles Schuyler Day, Mrs. Arthur James, Mrs. J. C. Hazel, of Pelham Manor; Mrs. G.P. Slade, Mrs. Robert Hall, Mrs. Miles B. Carpenter, Mrs. Henry Hall, Mrs. Henry W. Cannon, Sarah J. McNutt, M. D.; Mrs. Charles M. Fry, Mrs. John N. Fraley, Mrs. William O. Moore, Mrs. Allen W. Adams, Mrs. R. M. Streeter, Mrs. Samuel Spencer, Mrs. Charles F. Clark, Mrs. Logan C. Murr[[tear in page]], Mrs. J. O. Moss, Mrs. Thomas G. Wall, Mrs. [[tear in page]] Freeman, Jr.,

the bride's parents, on 128th street. The officiating clergyman was the Rev. W. K. Hall, D. D., pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Newburg.



One of the most distinguished of American landscape painters, Jervis McEntee, N. A., died yesterday at his residence in Rondout, his native place, of Bright's disease, after some months' illness, at the age of sixty-three. Mr. McEntee, who for many years had his studio in the Tenth street building, was essentially the painter of the American autumn, and his pictures of the days of the falling leaves were always marked by a delicate poetic sentiment. He was born in 1828, and began the study of his profession under his friend Frederick E. Church, N. A., in this city. He was chosen a member of the National Academy in 1861 and went abroad in 1869, passing considerable time in Switzerland and Italy. Mr. McEntee's pictures have always been popular with collectors of American works, and he was one of the most virile of the older school of landscape painters. Among his exhibits at the Academy were "Autumn Leaves," "Indian Summer," "October in the Catskills" and "The Melancholy Day" (1861), the last bequeathed to the Academy by James A. Suydam; "November Afternoon," "Virginia in 1863," and "The Last of October" (1867); "November Landscape" (1868); "The Mealancholy [[Melancholy]] Days Have Come" and "Autumn Twilight" (1869); "Venice" and "October Snow" (1870), "Scribner's Mill" and "October Afternoon in the Catskill Mountains" (1871); "Cape Ann," "Solitaire," "A Wood Path" and "Dean's River" (1874); "Paestum," "Ginevra" and "Saturday Afternoon" (1875); "The Closing Year," "An Autumn Idyl," and "A Song of Summer" (1876); "And the Year Smiles as It Draws Near Its Death," and "Winter in the Mountains" (1877); "Over the Hills and Far Away" (1878); "Clouds" (1879), "Waste Places," "November," "The Edge of a Wood," and "A Pool in Autumn" (1880); "A Catskill River" and "Autumn Woods" (1881), "Indian Summer" and "Valley of the Humboldt" (1882), "The Wintry River," "An Autumn Memory," "October" and "The Uplands in Autumn" (1883); "Shadows of Autumn," "The Yellow Autumn Woods" and "The Catskills in Winter" (1884); "Christmas Eve" and "Sundown--Winter" (1885); "Astrakan--November," "Glimpse of Hunter Mountain," "Shadows of Autumn" and "Winter Morning" (1886); "Winter Sunset After a Storm," "Funeral of a Veteran" and "The Eastern Sky at Sunset" (1887), "Autumn Sunshine and Shadows;" (1888), "November," "The Far West" and "Birches" (1889). Mr. McEntee had at the Paris International Exposition in 1878 "Autumn" and "The Last of October," and at the Royal Academy showed "November." His "Clouds," "A Catskill River" and "Autumn Shadows" were at the Paris Exposition in 1889, where he received an honorable mention. Mr. McEntee was a member of the Century, and as a man much liked.


Major James M. Roberson died at his home in Plattsburg, N. Y., Sunday morning, after a prolonged illness. He was born at Bosquain, N. H., May 28, 1817, and lived there until he entered the regular army, where he remained in active service more than thirty years. He was appointed second lieutenant of artillery June 28, 1848; was promoted to first lieutenant September 28, 1852; to captain, May 14, 1861; brevet major, June 27, 1862, for gallant and meritorious services at Gaines Mills, Va.; brevet lieutenant colonel, for service at Gettysburg; brevet colonel, May 31, 1864; brevet brigadier general, March 13, 1865, for services while chief of horse artillery attached to the cavalry corps of the Army of the Potomac, during the campaign from May to August, 1864, including the battles of the Wilderness, Cold Harbor, Howe's Shops and Trevillian Station. He was promoted to the rank of major June 17, 1874, and was placed on the retired list in 1877. He had since lived at Plattsburg. General Robertson was in forty-seven battles in the Mexican and civil wars and was also engaged in the Florida Indian troubles from August, 1849, to October, 1852. Among the battles in the Mexican War in which he took part were those at Vera Cruz, Cherubusco, Ganta, San Antonio, Molino del Rey, Chapultepec, San Cosme and the City of Mexico. During the civil war he was engaged in numerous battles, including Gaines Mills, Malvern Hill, Fairfax Court House, Antietam, Gettysburg, the Wilderness, Spottsylvania [[Spotsylvania]] and many others. In September, 1865, he was placed in command of Alcatraz Island, San Francisco harbor, where he remained until December, 1872, when he came east with his regiment.



PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Jan. 27, 1891.--The Times tomorrow will publish a story in substantiation of the report in regard to Robert Ray Hamilton being alive and residing in the Orient under an assumed name. The story, as told in the Times, is as follows:--

"Robert Ray Hamilton is alive and is now living in Sydney, N. S. W., where he has begun life over again under an assumed name.

"This statement was made yesterday to a Times reporter by an intimate friend of Mr. Hamilton and the truth of it was vouched for by several letters which he had received from the latter since his alleged death."


WASHINGTON, Jan. 27, 1891.--Weather forecasts till eight P. M., Wednesday:--For Eastern New York, Connecticut and Rhode Island, fair; southwesterly winds; stationary temperature, except warmer in Northern New York.


The following record shows the changes in the temperature for the past twenty-four hours, in comparison with the corresponding date of last year, as indicated by the thermometer at Hudnus's pharmacy, HERALD Building, No. 218 Broadway:--

[[2 columned table]]

| 1890. | 1891. |
| 3 A. M......... 45 | 39 |
| 6 A.M........ 42 | 37 |
| 9 A.M........ 43 | 36 |
| 12 M.......... 53 | 43 |

[[2 columned table]]

| 1890. | 1891. |
| 3:30 P. M..... 44 | 48 |
| 6 P.M........ 39 | 42 |
| 9 P.M........ 35 | 42 |
| 12 M.......... 33 | 41 |

Average temperature yesterday................ 4[[?]]
Average temperature for corresponding date last year...................................... 41 1/2
Average temperature for corresponding date last fifteen years............................. 32 1/2


[From the European Edition of the HERALD.]

The rumor that the Czar is about to forbid all Russians to visit Monte Carlo has been given new currency by the fact that a Russian has just died at the roulette table. This clearly shows the fatal effects of roulette. Just about the same time a Methodist fell dead in a Methodist meeting house in New York, which seems to show that it is a terribly dangerous thing to attend a Methodist meeting. It does not follow, however, that the Methodist meeting houses must be closed. No Methodist has ever died at the roulette table and no Russian has ever died in a Methodist meeting house. The weakest intellect can draw the obvious conclusion that Methodists should go to Monte Carlo and that Russians should become devout Methodists. This will put and end to the danger the either may fall dead in the practice of their respective faiths. The tendency to draw conclusions from insufficient premises is always to be reprehended, and one Russian or one Methodist does not constitute sufficient data for the conclusion that Methodism and roulette are necessarily fatal. But when we have the simultaneous death of a Russian at Monte Carlo and a Methodist in America the merest tyro in logic can draw the proper conclusion.




[[4 columned table]]
| Steamer. | Sails. | Destination. | Office. |
| --- | --- | --- | ---- |
| Germanic.......... | Jan 28 | Liverpool... | 41 Broadway |
| City of Berlin...... | Jan 28 | Liverpool... | 6 Bowling Green |
| Spree............... | Jan 28 | Bremen..... | 2 Bowling Green |
| S. of Pennsylvania | Jan 29 | Glasgow.... | 53 Broadway |
| Aurania............ | Jan 31 | Liverpool... | 4 Bowling Green |
| Persian Monarch.. | Jan 31 | London...... | 22 State street | 
| Werra.............. | Jan 31 | Bremen..... | 2 Bowling Green |
| Maasdam.......... | Jan 31 | Rotterdam.. | 39 Broadway |
| La Bretagne........ | Jan 31 | Havre....... | 3 Bowling Green |
| Rugia.............. | Feb 3 | Hamburg... | 37 and 61 B'way | 
| Adriatic............ | Feb 4 | Liverpool... | 41 Broadway |
| Trave............. | Feb 4 | Bremen..... | 2 Bowling Green |
| Noordland......... | Feb 4 | Antwerp.... | 6 Bowling Green |
| Umbria............ | Feb 7 | Liverpool... | 4 Bowling Green |
| Ethiopia........... | Feb 7 | Glasgow.... | 7 Bowling Green |
| Rotterdam......... | Feb 7 | Amsterdam. | 39 Broadway |
| La Champagne.... | Feb 7 | Havre....... | 3 Bowling Green |
| Wisconsin......... | Feb 10 | Liverpool... | 35 Broadway |
| City of Chicago... | Feb 11 | Liverpool... | 6 Bowling Green |
| Teutonic........... | Feb 11 | Liverpool... | 41 Broadway |

Schr Jacob Reed, Barbour, Darien, Ga, Jan 16, with lumber to order; vessel to Miller & Houghton.
Schr Waccamaw, Squires, Georgetown, SC, 8 days, with naval stores to F V L Jones.
Schr James B Ogden, Tole, Virginia.
Schr Lucy H Russell, Wilson, Baltimore, with coal for Portland, Me. Put in for medical assistance. Jan 25, AM, off Absecom, had a terrific gale from NE and NW, in which lost mainsail; vessel was knocked down with hatches in the water, smashing boat and flooding cabin and forecastle and washing decks of everything movable, and knocking Second Mate Joseph Sylvie and one of the sailors down and against the lee rail, dislocating the mate's left shoulder and badly injuring the sailor's left knee. They were sent to US Hospital at Stapleton, SI. Jan 26, 20 miles S of Barnegat, passed a lot of pine wood and lumber floating about.
Schr Louis B Place, Baltimore.
Schr L V Beebe, Beebe, Baltimore.
Schr R F Pettigrew, Morse, Baltimore.
Schr Chas F Tuttle, Ives, Baltimore.
Schr Charles W Church, Lent, Baltimore for Boston. Jan 24, 25 miles N of Barnegat, took heavy NE gale, changing suddenly to N and NW. with very heavy sea, in which carried away jibboom with all ahead sail and foreboom; put in for repairs.

RETURNED--Steamer Caracas, Woodrick, hence Jan 24 for Laguayra, &c. Reports Jan 26, at 2 AM, the wind suddenly hauled W and commenced to blow very hard, barometer 29.30; at 3 AM it blew a hurricane, barometer 29.05; at 3:40 AM, about 160 miles SE of Sandy Hook in a terrific sea carried away upper couplings to moderate until arrival at Sandy Hook; 27th, at 1:15 PM, was taken in tow by the three tugs and brought to the city.



Steamer H M Whitney, Hallett. Boston for New York, with mdse to H F Dimock.
Steamer City of Fitchburg, Bibber, New Bedford for New York, with mdse for Borden & Lovell.
Steamer Pequot. Appleby, Providence for New York, with mdse to Isaac Odell.
Schr Nellie A Walker. Walker, Bath. Me. for New York,
Schr Louise Hastings, Gray, New Bedford for New York.
Schr Benjamin Oliver, Freeman, Wellfleet for New York.
Schr James Boyce, Rankin, New Haven for New York.
Schr Long Island, Cook, Stamford for New York.
Schr Amanda Tompkins, Jewett, Cold Spring Harbor for New York.
Schr Seven Brothers. Carpenter, Glen Cove for New York.
Schr J C Bowers. Hammond, Oyster Bay for New York.
Schr Wm M Evarett, Webster, Oyster Bay for New York.
Schr Mary Buckley, Dunn, Oyster Bay for New York.
Tugs Harold, with 3 barges; America, with 4; Gertrude, with 4; Fred Ives, with 4, and A P Skidmore, with 6.


Steamer Maverick, Daboll, Bayonne, NJ, for Portland, Me.
Steamer Standard. Evans, Bayonne for Boston.
Schr Maggie Willett (Br), Munroe, New York for St John, NB.
Schr Perfetta (Br), Whittaker, New York for St John, NB.
Schr B T Biggs, Henderson, New York for Boston.
Schr Wm A Morrell, Murray, New York for Providence.
Schr John T Russell, Smith, New York for Port Eaton.
Schr Wm Burroughts, Garland, Elizabethport for Boston.
Schr Jessie Barlow, Barlow, Philadelphia for Wareham.
Schr Ida H Mathis, English, Philadelphia for Providence.
Tugs Argus, with 2 barges; Resolute, with 17, and Underwriter, with 3.


Ship Joseph B. Thomas (of Thomaston, Me), Lermond, form San Francisco Oct 1, with loss of jibboom and foretopgallant mast.


Steamer Germanic (Br), Cameron, Liverpool--J Bruce Ismay.
Steamer City of Berlin (Br), Land, Liverpool--Peter Wright & Sons.
Steamer Buffalo (Br), Malet, Hull via Deptford--Sanderson & Son.
Steamer Spree (Ger), Willigerod, Bremen via Southampton--Oelrichs & Co.
Steamer Conemaugh, Spencer, Antwerp--Peter Wright & Sons.
Steamer Oevenum (Port), Knudsen, Lisbon and Cadiz--Hagemeyer & Brunn.
Steamer Olinda (Port), Marreno, St Michaels and Oporto--Hagemeyer & Brunn.
Steamer Birmania (Ital), Pizzarello, Mediterranean ports--Phelps Bros & co.
Steamer Seguranca, Beers, Rio Janeiro, &c, via Newport News--United States and Brazil Mail Steamship Co.
Steamer El Dorado, Byrne, New Orleans--John T Van Sickle.
Steamer Tallahassee, Askins, Savannah--R L Walker.
Steamer City of Atlanta, Dole, West Point, Va--Old Dominion Steamship Co.
Steamer Roanoke, Hulphers, Norfolk, &c--Old Dominion Steamship Co.
Steamer Herman Winter, Nickerson, Boston-- H F Dimock.
Ship Stronsa (Br), Brooks, Calcutta--Bowring & Archibald.
Ship Magdalene (Ger), Meyer, Perth Amboy--Watjen, Toel & Co.
Bark Bay of Fundy (Br), Porter, Southampton--J W Parker & Co.
Bark Edmund Phinney, Young, Valparaiso and Iquique--W R Grace & Co.
Bark Talisman (Br), Range, Demerara--L W & P Armstrong.
Bark Harry Buschman (Br), Kyffin, Perth Amboy--J W Parker & Co.
Schr Ella M Hawes, Newbury, Caibarien - Edwin W Adams & Co.
Schr Modena (Br), Gale, St John, NB--J W Parker & Co.
Schr Welcome R Beebe, McKeen, Baltimore--Henry P Havens.

off Winter Quarter Shoal lightship, and towed to the mouth of Wilmington Creek to-day by Red Star tug International.

PORTLAND, Me, Jan 26--Schr Ring Dove, recently ashore at Barnstable, Mass, arrived at Rockland Jan 24, and was docked for repairs.

ST JOHN, NB, Jan 26--Schr Isaac Burpee (Br), Haley, from New York for St John, NB, stranded at Digby Gut yesterday and will be a total loss.

VINEYARD HAVEN, Jan 26--Revenue cutter hauled the mast, previously, reported attached to sunken schr Josiah Whitehouse, clear from the wreck to-day.

Steamer Odin (Nor), Matanzas via New York for Halifax, stopped here to-day, made slight repairs to machinery and proceeded.

Barge Roman, which was in tow of tug Storm King, from Norfolk for Boston, was abandoned Jan 25, Absecom bearing W by N. twelve miles distant, in a sinking condition, with eleven feet of water in the hold, during heavy gales and high seas. Crew were taken off by tug. The Storm King also reports 25th, Absecom bearing W by N, passed what appeared to be a three masted schooner sunk in twelve fathoms water, with masthead awash and topmasts standing; apparently recently sunk.

WOOD'S HOLL. Jan 26--Schr Eva B Douglass, from Mobile for Boston and schr Geo A McFadden, from Salem for Baltimore, which were damaged by fouling off Falmouth, anchored off Nobska.

OVERDUE--Bark Kong Oscar II (Nor), Andersen, which left Halifax for Liverpool Dec 1, lumber laden, has not yet been reported. Grave fears are entertained for her safety.


PORTLAND, Jan 26--Notice is hereby given that the whistling buoy off Duck Rocks, near Monhegan Island, recently reported adrift, has been replaced.


SAN FRANCISCO, Jan 27--Cleared, brig W H Meyer, to cruise.


A bark standing to the eastward, flying an American ensign, and under it a square read flag with the letter "T" in white, Jan 9, lat 34 52 N, lon 63 04 W.


Merchants shipping agents and shipmasters are informed that by telegraphing to the HERALD London Bureau, addressing "BENNETT, LONDON," or to the Paris office, addressing "BENNETT, PARIS," the arrival at and departure from European and Eastern ports of American and all foreign vessels trading with the United States, the same will be cabled to this country free of charge.

Captains arriving at or sailing from French or Mediterranean ports will find the Paris office the most economical and expeditious for telegraphing news.



ANTWERP, Jan 25--Arrived, steamers Lepanto (Br), Wise, Baltimore: 26th, Paris (Fr), Chevalier, Havre.
Sailed 26th, steamers Worsley Hall (Br), New Orleans; 27th, Friesland (Belg), Randle, New York.
AUCKLAND, NZ, Jan 26--Sailed, steamer Alameda Morse (from Sydney, NSW), San Francisco.
ANTOFOGASTA, Jan 24--Sailed, ship Abeona (Br), Black, Portland, O.
BREMEN, Jan 26--Arrived, steamer Eider (Ger), Baur, New York via Southampton.
BARCELONA, Jan 26--Arrived, steamer Prydain (Br), Jones, Savannah.
BATHURST, RG, Jan 3--Sailed, schr Rebecca J Evans, Cape Verde.
COPENHAGEN, Jan 27--Arrived, steamer Italia (Ger), Schmidt, New York via Deptford.
CADIZ, Jan 21--Arrived, steamer Conde Wifredo (Sp), Abrisqueta, New Orleans.
CUXHAVEN, Jan 26--Arrived, steamer Victoria (Br), Harrison, Galveston.
CAGLIARI, Jan 20 - Sailed, bark Pellicano (Ital), New York.
CALCUTTA, Jan 20--Sailed, ship Holyrood (Br), Scott, New York.
DOVER, Jan 27 - Passed, bark Ceres (Nor), Andersen, Brunswick for Newcastle.
EAST LONDON, about Jan 20--Arrived, bark Florence B Edgett (Br), McBride, New York.
FLUSHING, Jan 26--Passed, steamer Waesland (Belg), Grant, Antwerp for New York.
GEESTEMUNDE, Jan 27--Arrived, steamer Brilliant (Ger), Bunger, New York.
GIBRALTAR, Jan 26--Arrived, steamer Stura (Ital), Valle, New York via Lisbon.
Passed 26th, steamer Powhatan (Br), Edwards, Palermo for Boston.
GENOA, Jan 24--Sailed, barks Gin (Ital), Brunello, Baltimore; Luigi Accame (Ital), Ottone, New York.
HAMBURG, Jan 26--Arrived, bark Appia (Nor), Hansen, Wilmington, NC.
Sailed 27th, steamer Amalfi (Ger), Kraeft, New York.
HUELVA, Jan 24--Sailed, steamer County Derry (Br), Philadelphia.

Sailed Jan 15, schr Bessie Barker (Br), Bradley, Fernandina: 16th, brig Elrica (gr), Brown, Philadelphia; 18th, schr Onoro (Br), Mundy, Carlisle Bay.
NUEVITAS, Jan 21--Sailed, schr Wm H Jones, Fournier, New York.
PORT SPAIN, Jan 20--Sailed, brig Hattie Louise (Br), Sanderson, Washington, DC.
PORT ANTONIO, Jan 24--Sailed, steamer Ethelwold (Br), Freeman, Boston.
PORT AU PRINCE, Jan 10--Arrived, schr Waldemar, Leland, Rockport, Me.
SINGAPORE, Dec 25--In port, bark Antioch, Hemingway, for New York.
SANTOS, Jan 19--Arrived, bark Antilla (Br), Jones Cardiff.
ST KITTS, Jan 24--Sailed, steamer Muriel (Br), Morrison, New York.
ST PIERRE (Mart), Jan 6--Arrived, steamers Iolani (br), Russell, New York; 8th, Loanda (Br), Kerr, Halifax.
ST JOHN, NB, Jan 27--Cleared, schrs Ella Maud (Br), Buck: C W Lewis, Kenneally, and Tay (Br), Somerville, New York.
TALCAHUANO, Dec 19--In port, bark Itonus, Bucknam, to load at nitrate port for United States.
VALPARAISO, Dec 20--Sailed, ship Warrior (Br), Kitchen, Caleta Buena, to load for United States.
YOKOHAMA, Jan 20--Sailed, steamer Gaelic (Br), Pearne (from Hong Kong), San Francisco.


BOSTON, Jan 27--Arrived, steamers Colorado (Br), Res, Hull, E; Allegheny, Parker, Baltimore via Providence; H F Dimock. Berry, New York: tugs Ocean King, Cantain, New York, with barges Nayang, Musconetcong and Cornica to tow; Dudley Pray, Cates, do, with barges Troy and Binghamton; N & W No 1, Baker, Norfolk, with barges N & W No 1 and N & W No 5; brig Ernestine, Mountfort, Milk River; schr O M Marrett, Torrey, Weehawken.
Cleared--Steamer Essex, Taylor, Baltimore (and sailed); bark Geneva, Gregory, Sierra Leone; schrs Rebecca A Taulane, Nickerson, Wilmington, NC; Lavinia Campbell, Vail, Philadelphia; Charles Nobles Simmons, Babbatt, a coal port.
Sailed - Steamers Michigan (Br), and Essex.
Passed below--Steamer Williamsport, with barge Schuylkill in tow, Philadelphia for Salem.--Wind at Cape Cod NW. light; thick snow.
BALTIMORE, Jan 26--Arrived, steamers Stuttgart (Ger), Von Schuckman, Bremen via New York; Edwin (Br), Matthews, Boston.
Cleared--Steamer Earnwell (Br), Mumford, Havana.
Sailed - Steamer Santuit, Boston; schrs Tillie Vanderherchen, New York; Samuel H Walker, Boston; Lexington, Georgetown, SC; Jennie C May, Boston.
27th--Arrived. steamers Cressmore (Br), Baxter, London via Boston; Frostburg Mills, Lynn, Mass; schrs Rogers & Rogers, Savannah; Emma L Crocker, Crocker, New Orleans.
Cleared--Schr John B Manning, Birdsall, Boston.
Sailed--Steamer Earnwell; schrs Blanche H King, Boston; Henry Withington, do.--Wind SW, light; hazy.
BRUNSWICK, Ga, Jan 26--Arrived, steamer Oakland (Br), Moore, Philadelphia; bark Angela di Amore (Ital), Fravega, Barbados.
Sailed--Schr Annie L Henderson, Henderson, New York.
27th--Arrived, schr Susan H Ritchie, Boston.
Sailed - Schr Francis C Yarnole, Scott, Barbados.
BERMUNDA HUNDRED, Jan 24--sailed, schr C H Kirk, Imman, New York.
BATH, Me, Jan 26--sailed, schr Celina, Horse Island and Washington.
BRIDGEPORT, Jan 27--Arrived, schr J B Carrington, Anderson, Philadelphia.
Sailed--Steam barge City of Troy, Plumb, New York for Fall River; schrs Mary Louise, New Haven for New York; Emily Clock, New York.
CHARLESTON, Jan 27--Arrived, steamers Hibernia (Br), Philadelphia; Therese Heymann (Br), McNabb, Marseilles.
Sailed--Bark Nevada (Nor), Hamburg; schr D K Baker, Barren Island.
26th--Arrived, steamers Yemassee, Robinson, Jacksonville (and proceeded for New York); Iroquois, Pennington, New York (and proceeded for Jacksonville); schr Fannie Brown, Sharrett, Port Royal, in tow of tug.
Sailed--Steamer Pawnee(Br), Barcelona; schrs Wm L Bradley, Weymouth; Wm W Converse, Baltimore; Julia S Bailey, Brunswick.
COOSAW, SC, Jan 17--Cleared, steamer Hexham (Br), Adams, United Kingdom.
CAPE HENRY, Jan 26--Passed in, bark Havana, Powers, from Matanzas for Baltimore.
CHATHAM, Mass, Jan 26--Passed, schr Marguerite, Boston for Philadelphia; 27th, ship Juletrae (Nor), do for New York.
FERNANDINA, Jan 27--Arrived, schrs Joel F Sheppard, Welch, Charleston; Nahum Chapin, Dey, Boston.
Sailed--Schrs Francis (Br), Brewster, Santos; John J Converse, Drisko, Barbados; S S Winston (Br), Turnbull, London.
FALMOUTH, Mass, Jan 26--Sailed, schrs John Proctor, W K Park, and L L Sprague. Boston for Philadelphia; Rose Esterbrook, do for Baltimore; Childe Harold, J C Haynes, and O S Barrett, do for do or Philadephia; J J Hanson, and Everett Webster, from the East for coal ports.
FALL RIVER, Mass, Jan 27--Arrived, schrs Horace W Macomber, Bray, Baltimore; John Crockford, Farnham, New York.
Passed down--Schr Sylvester Hale, Coleman, Taunton for New York.
HYANNIS, Mass, Jan 27--Passed west, schrs W Tilton, and Matthew Vassar, Jr.--Wind NW, light.
JUPITER, Jan 25--Passed 1 AM, J M Ceballos line steamer bound S (probably steamer Ciudad Condal (Sp), from New York for Havana).
Passed 9 PM, 25th, steamer, reported Pacific Mail line, bound S.
JACKSONVILLE, Jan 27--Arrived, schrs Elizabeth A Baizley, Townsend, Charleston; Winnegance, Mauson, do.
MOBILE, Jan 27--Arrived, bark Maria Cichero (Ital), Mortala, Pensacola.
Cleared--Schrs Helen Keller, Hayes, Caibarien; John L Treat, McLure, Tampa.
Sailed--Schr Carrie E Look, Look, Havana.
NEW ORLEANS, Jan 24--Arrived up, bark Laura (Ital), Castellano, Montevideo.
26th--Arrived, steamers Explorer (Br), Jones, Belize, &c; Oakdene (Br), Stabell, Halifax; Hispania (Sw), Chase, Port Limon (see miscellany); El Paso, Quick, and Caroline Miller, Sheldrake, New York.
27th--Arrived, steamers Ernesto (Sp), Garties, Havana; City of Dallas, Hardie, Puerto Cortez.

Transcription Notes:
Reopened for Editing 2023-07-24 08:36:46