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destroys self-respect, demoralizes and ruins any people.

Work must either be brought to these negroes or they must be carried to it; they can neither bring nor go, and will not the Bureau depart a little from its present policy and give transportation when applied for for those who wish and hope to find work elsewhere; all such cases to be carefully investigated by a man of good judgment. I have the man.

It is hoped that certain portions of this letter will not be deemed irrelevant they are introduced to show that every agency which it is possible to employ is engaged, yet that nothing immediate can be done except by the Bureau to cure the greatest evil in our midst.

I beg leave to forward report of Mr. Goodyear, late Lieut 9th U.S.C.T., whom I have employed to visit personally every house in these villages that nuisances may be abated, impositions detected, and facts gathered; also to encourage emigration and every profitable enterprise; to him I owe the suggestion herein set forth.

I am Sir 
With Great Respect 
Your Obdt Sert
Saml C Armstrong
Supt 9 Dist Va

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-12 10:12:10 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-12 13:33:52... remember to put the NARA number, or any 20th century film identification, on these transcriptions (in this case, 0107)