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CHARLES L. FREER, Union Trust Company, Agent

[[4 Columned Table]]
|   | Disbursements |   |   | 
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
W - W
Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation
Amount in full payment for the following paintings, purchased from Edmund Backhouse through Mr. Larkin, of London, in July, 1914:

| [[stamp]] SMITHSONIAN. [[/stamp]] 150. | (a) Scroll painting entitled "Sacrifice to Ancestors at the spring Festival, by Chang Tse-tuan  £ 800 |   |   |
| [[stamp]] SMITHSONIAN. [[/stamp]] 151. | (h) Copy thereof by Ch'iu Ying £ 376 |   |   |
| [[stamp]] SMITHSONIAN. [[/stamp]] 152. | (l) "Flitting" by Wu Tao-tzu £5040 |   |   |
|   | Total £ 6216 @ $4.85 1/2 |   | 30,178.68 |
as per attached

Transcription Notes:
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