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Head Quarters Department of the East
New York City December 30th 1865

Special Orders 
No 295

2. A General Court Martial is hereby appointed to meet at Boston Mass, on the 4th day of January 1866 at 12 o'clock M. or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the trial of such persons as may be brought before it by authority from these Headquarters

Detail for the Court.
Col & Bvt Brig. General John Hendrickson  13th V.R.C.
Captain William P Austin 13th V.R.C
Captain Andrew C. Payne 13th V.R.C
Captain M.V.R. Richardson 2d U.S.V.V.
Captain J.C. Williams 11th V.R.C
2d Lieut. Fred Seymour 13. V.R.C.
Captain & Bvt Col L.L. Livingston 3d U.S.
Artillery is appointed Judge Advocate

No other officers than those named can be assembled without manifest injury to the service.  Should any of the officers named in the detail be unable to attend, the Court will nevertheless   

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-11 09:37:02