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[[Handwritten]] To Helen Johnston [[Handwritten]]
920 Esmeralda
San Francisco,Calif,94110
Sunday 26 January 1975

Dear Helen: 

Enclosed is my statement for the show,identical to the one appearing in the catalo which hopefully will be ready Jan. 30th. 

I realize it is somewhat long, but I think it is important, and hope we can find space to include it in it's entirety, as everyone who sees the show won't buy a catalog. 

It could,if necessary,be single spaced, and thus occupy two pages. 

After it is retyped to hang in the show, after the show is over, I would like to have it,if possible, to place in the Mark Green collection, Archives of American Art Smithsonian Institution, along with other meorabillia, and the pix taken in Focus gallery during installation and opening,to document the show. 

You were mentioning that you had a camera w/wide angle lens. If possible, would like to use it at installation and during the opening. There are going to be several other photographers who may photograph at hanging and opening,so we will have plenty of pix for Smithsonian. 

Bob Johnson should get in touch with you after tomorrow to give you number and sizes for glass. I am doing final editing for show at his place tomorrow. 

That [[underlined]] This World [[end underline]] piece on Focus show and Museum show will run this upcoming ?Sunday w/pix, instead of today. 

If you need to get in touch w/me, days I can be reached at work 648-8200 x552 or 553, or after 6 p.m. at home 824-1575. 

Bob Johnson can be reached at home 564-6451 or this week days,probably at East Wind Printers where he is doing the catalog 781-4760. 

If we don't hear from you we will see you Sunday at 10:a.m.,ready to hang. 

[[signature]] Mark Green 
Mark Green