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To Richard Elman, N.Y.

920 Esmeralda
San Francisco, Ca. 94110

Dear Richard:

The paintings of Keith I am familiar with- were huge mandalas-I'm not into art that much that I know the medium. 

He was probably the best painter of that period, though publically unknown, although in future years [[strikethrough]] they [[/strikethrough]] his works may be getting more exposure and notices.

He died in Big Sur-apparently he had taken some sleeping pills,and then alcohol and died an hour later- whether intentionally or accidentally it was never determined, I did not know Keith too well, although I knew his brother Carl.

The photograph of him was taken at Wally Berman's Semina gallery in Larkspur. Wally published a magazine Semina which are now a collector's item-of art and poetry-he first published the works of William Burroughs,and, Michael McClure, and is a major influence upon other artists like Bruce Connor. Berman lives in Topanga Canyon near LA.

I had dropped out of the New York show, because at first the S.F. show was going intact,but difficulties arose, and alsthough a lot of the SF show will be there, the NY show will be revised and new material added. I gave complete authority To Bob Johnson, who produced the catalog, to do what he wants in NY. He just got back, and the show will be at Gotham Book Mart and Gallery, Inc.,41 West 47th Street, sometime in July and running three months. I am going to try to get back into it, and am airmailing about a dozen pix this weekend for it. 

I will send Andreas Brown, the owner, a list of NY people to send announcements to,including your name, but I can't vouch for the reliability of them sending them out. 

You could do me a great favor,if you have a couple minutes, by calling Gotham and finding out opening dtae. The owner doesn't like to write letters. He prefers phone calls, and altho he'll pay for them, it's really a hassle now, because I am really out of arranging the show-it's in other's hands, and Brown is slow in answering letters.

I am interested in your background and what you have been doing since leaving S.F., and how long you were out here- if you care to reply. I was a bartender at the Co-Existence Bagel Shop, into poetry then, until some filmaker and photographers friends turned me onto photography,and I began photographing behind the bar- That was my primitive period (see enclosed announcement for my first show) and I really did not develop as a photographer until 1962. I started out wanting to be a writer-but then I found I could say more visually.


Mark Green

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-31 15:19:00