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Anyway I have tried to do that with my photographs. And perhaps I have an [[strikethrough]] infinity [[/strikethrough]] affinity w/Jack because he is a major poet,yet has only published one book:Views of Jeapordy, in the Yale Younger Poets series, and, was nominated to the Pulitizer Prize for it. And except for recent years I have exhibited so little, yet feel I am a major photographer. So read or don't read the book, react or don't react,and when thru send it back in the insured envelope I am enclosing.

Got a letter from [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] Jack from Boston. He is coming back to S.F. after teaching a year at U. of Kyoto, and a year traveling far east.

Book ain't done. Pissed away nearly a week doing nothing. If I am not going to do anything, then wish, I could enjoy myself,and not feel guilty about doing nothing.

At the Museum op ning I ran into Knute Stiles. He was one of the group from Black Mountain that came out here in mid-fifties. He was one of co-owners of The Place, probably the most famous of No.Bch. hagouts. That's where the Spicer group hung out [[strikethrough]] into [[/strikethrough]] until all the [[strikethrough]] bat [[/strikethrough]] [[beat?]] publicty drove them to another quiet bar. Kerouac uses it for a setting in the Subteraneans. I asked Knute if he knew [[strikethrough]] Ket [[/strikethrough]] Keith well, and apparently he and Keith an some others lived together for a few months before Keith went to Big Sur. Knute is one of the most knowledgaeble sources around. He seemed to know details of his death. Knute was a critic for Artforum, and taught painint at the art institute. He could probably describe Keith's work very well. Knute Stiles, 733 Baker Street, San Francisco, Ca. 94115, (415) 346-2990. Probaly a call is better than writing, if you can afford it. But if you do write, be persistent and have patience. It will pay off.  

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-31 15:52:53