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Also it seems to me the photographer should get reimbursed expenses at least, [[strikethrough]]and it get[[/strikethrough]] and if the work is published, to receive the standard book rate minimums for the work. 

If it is a small press publisher that's something else again-they may do it for expenses. Most of my friends are on poverty level,and, it would be z [[a]] real hardship to donate their stuff. 

Got your volume of poetry which I thought was real fine. I am impressed. Thanks for kind inscription. 

Sending you shortly second revised edition of Rolling Rennaisance, Underground Art in Bay area, 1945-68, a series of show and events I helped organize. Brief mention of Keith in it,also, will give you greater perspective on that era.

My own work is coming along fine. I'm farming out some of the photographs and doing some myself. Will be finished in a couple of weeks really. 

Wally Berman had sent me two posters he had done in 65, series of images with Hebrew letters. A friend of mine took them to a rabbi who said it was very mystical, and, one of the translations is: 

"The taste of God is there in the dream."


P.S. Still re-reading Cathedral. Especially like passage p 17-18-
Once, in the Penguin Club, etc.

Transcription Notes:
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