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Partial letter to Andreas [?] Brown 


By the middle of the ucoming week, I will make out a list of all the photographs in the show and who the photographers are,and send it to you,so you have a better idea of the scope of it. 

I will also contact each photographer to see about getting [[crossed out]] their consent about being in the NYC show. 

I already have the consent of Chester Kessler who has magnifecent [[magnificent]] and definitive prints of early Bob Kaufman, Kenneth Anger, and Stan Brakhage, among others. 

Beautiful quality prints and he is only asking $15 for an 8x10; $30 for an 11x14. He has had three one man shows at the San Francisco Museum of Art, and was represented in a group show at U.S. Embassies sponsored by the Oakland Museum and Focus Gallery. 

I [[crossed out]] talked to Joanne Kyger at a Museum poetry reading two nights ago, and we are getting together in the near future. I am pretty sure I could add some great photos for NYC. Also according to Gary Snyder, Ginsberg and Kerouac were living together in Berkeley for a while and he had a camera then, and was photographing like mad, and Gary feels Allen probably has great photos. When you published, "Scenes" did you see everything Allen had? 

I had wanted to talk to Allen,thought he was going to be here in Dec., but wasn't. In the next day or so, I am writing him and sending him a pix I have of Sheila who lived with him during the period he wrote Howl, and will query him on pix. Maybe in a week or so, after he gets my letter, you could follow up from your end. 

His phone no,if you do not have it is (607) 264-7244;Cherry Valley,N.Y. 

There is one photog here, I could not get for Focus, but Gui and other of his friends say he is great:Bob Berg;apparentley [[apparently]] he photographed in late 40's and early 50's and had nude portraits of many of the SF poets. But they told me he is an alcoholic and would not produce, and though he was enthusiatic about the show and faithfull [[faithfully]] promised prints, he never did. But I can keep working on him

Let me checkw/Focus tomorrow and I can give you a definite shipping date;in any event,no later than Mar/ 22nd. 

Mark Green

copy:Mark Green papers, Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Am shipping catalogs Tue 18th

Transcription Notes:
unsure of name at top of page ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-08-01 15:00:28 Googled it and Andreas Brown might actually be the correct name as there was a bookseller/archivist by this name who owned Gotham Book mart and Gallery in New York for 40 years.