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I think, although I am a little rusty, I could write an [[strikethrough]] acceptal [[/strikethrough]] acceptable prose text for you. I was a reporter for the Denver Post and a correspondent for International News Service. When I hit S.F., I saw Josh Eppinger of the Ex, was was m.e., then and he said to me "my boy, if you were a Stanford grad, I would hire you now, but since you aren't why don't you go to the boondocks ( he would not use that work of course-he probable said a smaller paper outside S.F.)) and get more experience. I then accepted a job as spots editot of a weekly in Vallejo. The night before I was drinking Vesuvio and the waitress said to me," Mark, if you take that job, you'll never write the Great American Novel." So I didn't moved in w/her, got a job as a bartender at the Bagel Shop, and, never wrote "the great American novel.: 

Actually I got turned onto the visual instead, and, in a sense, my photos are [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] Great American novel.

Mondays are my days off. If you are amenable, why don't we get together and rap to see if we can come up w/something mutually satisfactory? Who knows I might even make Eppinger proud of me yet? Is he still around? 

The Focus show goes to the Gotham Book Mart and Gallery in NYC. April 7, in an expanded form. 

There will be a review of it Wed. in ARTWEEK, and Tom's review should come out in theChron this week. Tuesday I am being interviewed by Newsweek bureau chief here who is doing a piece on three shows: Beat Generation poets-prints of Peter Le Blanc,which is closed recently at DeYoung; Poets of the Cities at S.F. Museum, and mine. 

Hoping to get a note or call from you at that moment in time when, and if, you are ready to do it- 


Mark Green

copy: Mark Green papers, Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-08-01 08:25:09