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#2- Hubert Leslie at the closing of the Hot Dog Palace, 1965. By then I had left North Beach and was living in Bernal Heights. Ed Taylor phoned me-said I really should come back to photograph the closing of the Hot Dog Palace. It was a meeting place for two eras, people still on the scene from the fifties and young people, some of whom went out to the Haight-Asbury afterwards. In the last days it was known as the Amp Palace because, it was a [[strikethrough]] hna [[/strikethrough]] hangout for methedrine users. I stayed three days without any sleep or earing, flipped out and wound up in Langley Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute. It took me 10 years to print the pix I took and I had a show of them last January at Intersection in North Beach, a center for art and religion.
Hubert, who is still around and lives with his parrot in the Dante Hotel. Hubert, with his beret, and goatee became a model for the "beatnik" stereotype.


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