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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Headquarters Superintendent, Ninth District, Va.
Fort Monroe, Va., June 30th 1866
Bvt Brig Genl O Brown
In accordance with Circular No 1 dated Hd Qs Asst. Comr State of Virginia Jan 1st 1866; I have the honor to make the following report of unemployed freedmen in 9th Dist. Va.
County of Elizabeth City. There are about ten hundred unemployed freedmen, most of these are doing a little something, but by no means fully employed. A large percent of this number is fishermen who at the present time could do nothing in their legitimate line of business and are seeking and waiting for odd jobs. They make considerable money in oyster time, but quickly spend it and are hard pressed for subsistence. They are very few idle farm hands.
County of York. The report of Lieut Massey is herewith forwarded marked (A). I consider it a very just statement I should estimate the number of unemployed at three hundred, at least.