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been not to alienate but to encourage amicable feelings and to establish a good understanding between the Freedmen and the white citizens, meets my cordial approbation. I have labored to this end, & assure you it will ever be so long as I occupy my present position, my wish, to cooperate with you, and all good citizens in the accomplishment of this desirable, and coveted object. I believe I express in this reply the wishes of the Civil Officers of the County of York a number of whom I have seen and conversed with on the subject, and they certainly agree with me in these representations.

I am Very Respectfully &c
Your Obt. Servt. &c &C
Robt. H. Power M.D.
Prest. Justice
York County Va

A.284. R.F. & A.L. Va. 3d Vol. 1866