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abandoned lands, which, having been restored, gives them occupancy only to the end of the current year; and, they will not, as a general rule, be permitted by the land owners to remain; owing largely to their failing to pay rent which they are unable or refuse to do.

This inability or refusal is due to improvidence and carelessness and poverty or to not comprehending the fact of restoration which in truth has hardly yet fairly entered their heads.

Their minds are in much confusion, and many have been honest in refusing to pay. The Bureau has done much to enlighten them.  Then, not a little is due to a prolonged occupancy free of rent; the freedmen, no better than others, pass from the position of sovereign squatters to docile tenants.  When called upon to move many will refuse, and resist, and military power alone can effect it.  All this will create great suffering, for hundreds of destitutes are living upon restored farms, they must move on or before the middle of next winter, and will not stir until forced to; this, especially, is the class whose removal will be insisted on by the land owners.  Where will they go?  It is suggested that enough farm land now on Bureau papers in this county be retained to provide for such.  

Transcription Notes:
one word missing, but it looks like an important one. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-15 15:01:15