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Ben Roberston, York Co, intelligent laborer, says
"Get along with whites tolerate so-so, though there's "a right smart of something, because we have the "privilege to tend to ourselves; they don't like to see "our management - it sort of frets their minds. "If the Bureau is taken away, we shall become short "of our privilege; if the white man abuses us there's "bound to be war - I must tell you the fact - they "(freedmen) talk about war very strong - we've got to do it - "Ive heard them and help them talk about it. It's useless "to have liberty and be deprived of it.

James Ray Cold - farmer - "Come from Essex "County; my owner threatens to shoot me if I went back "because I ran away. The rebels here call themselves "Union, but there's no union about them - they're down on "Yankees and Colored Men.  If the Bureau goes away there'll "be a worser war than there ever has been - Cold, man "bound to fight for himself - got a little insight now. "I think its mighty hard to whip rebels, and then give "their lands all back - put [[?]] in President - cold. people "think Johnson is a rebel."

Mr Jacob being Supt of Friends Schools made the following statement.

The colored people organize to release the prisoner.