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"people are unsafe - there'll be a knock down, and drag "out - will not take injustice - there'll be revolt.

" Cold people are not naturally rebelious; a hundred 
"colored men would touch their hats to a white man 
"who had injured them.  We are afraid to return to 
"our own counties, because our old owners threaten us. 
" The rebels require the same manners now, as in
"slavery, we must say "Master" and "Mistress".

" An independent freedman is called a d--d 
"Yankee nigger; those that have remained with their 
"masters are as bad as ever they were, especially in 
"New Kent and Gloucester

" The crops this year are small but good.
"This "between season" is the hardest time of the 
"year."  The ill-feeling in this county was increased recently by the unjust treatment of the colored man named Lewis by the County Magistrate of which full reports have been forwarded.

Dr. Powers, Chief Magistrate, admitted to me that the court, owing that imperfect understanding of the case, decided wrongly; this admission is at variance with the spirit of his own report on the case.