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Both counties are [[strikethrough]] about one third [[/strikethrough]] cultivated up to about one third or half of their producing power, owing to want of labor and capital.

There is no immediate demand for labor; this is not the season to introduce labor, but it will be greatly in demand for the next season, and, by hearty, well directed effort, this demand may in a measure be supplied from the Peninsula.

There is one freedman's school in Matthews Co. taught be an illiterate colored man; another one is greatly needed. The freedmens school house was, three months ago, burnt, and the regret of the leading citizens at this was so great that it has led to a satisfactory reaction in public sentiment; the house is rebuilt and was, I think, never safer than to-day.

There is no school in Gloucester, and I should deem Bureau or Military protection necessary to the safety of any school building which might be erected in that county; at least two colored schools are needed there. [[strikethrough]] in that county [[/strikethrough]]